Thursday, March 22, 2007

Asahel Woodruff and Wife

The Marietta Register, May 13, 1884

This aged couple have spent 62 years of married life. Mr. W. was born in Farmington, Connecticut, in 1798, and his wife in Middletown, Connecticut, a couple of years later. They came to Marietta in 1838, and now reside with their daughter Jane, wife of Ira Preston, a retired minister, living on Fourth street, above Scammel. They have three other children; George R., hardware merchant of this place, Norton, a Presbyterian minister of Kansas, and Mary, wife of Julius Bingham of Greensville county, Virginia. Mr. Woodruff is in feeble health and fast failing while the wife is in good health with retentive memory. (Since the above was prepared Mr. Woodruff has died.)

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