Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hartness Wells

The Marietta Register, May 13, 1884

Hartness Wells is, we believe, the oldest person in Marietta, having been born in New York on St. Valentines day in 1791, being now in the 94th year of his age. In early childhood he moved to Monmouth County, New Jersey, and from there removed to Marietta in 1840. He has five children living. William, a dealer in horses at Freehold, N. J., John C., also horse dealer in New York, Thomas K. Wells for 11 years past proprietor of the National Hotel of this place, Jane, wife of Douglas Daniels, horse dealer in Marietta, and Susan M., wife of James. P. Allaire, of Kansas City. Mr. Wells has been in good health until recently, but is now failing quite fast.

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