Sunday, May 24, 2009

Local Events for the Year 1880

The Marietta Register, January 13, 1881

Accident to steamer Smoky City, Lewis Type had both legs broken.
Jacob Nice and Margaret Allen arrested for barn burning in Palmer township.
Marriage of Lewis Hamblin and Mary B. Hill, 8th.
Fires at Judge Ewart's house and sundry attempts to ferret out the criminal.
Death of Charles Bisantz.
Revival at the U. B. Church.
David Dow elected Captain of Putnam Light Artillery and F. J. Cutter, President of the Washington County Agricultural Society.
Family reunion at Curtis Doan's, Salem township.
Col. W. B. Mason succeeds J. O. Wilhelm in the hat store, Front street.

Trial of John McGill for burning Judge Ewart's house. Verdict, not guilty.
Death of J. D. Chamberlain, 10th, aged 90 years, 5 months.
Death of Mrs. William Holden, 9th.
Death of John W. Morse, 13th.
H. J. Eby, groceryman, skipped to parts unknown.
Organization of Ladies' Household Art Club.
Strike at Slaughbaugh's cooper shops, Harmar. Compromised.
J. Frank opened clothing store, Front street.
Death of Sherman Waterman, Watertown, 10th, aged 84 years.
Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Dutton, Lowell, 14th, aged 83 years.
Death of Mrs. Susannah Perdew, Barlow, 12th, aged 86 years.
Work began, 18th, on the Ice Harbor.
Meeting of Old Ohio Brigade, 23d.
Death of Mrs. Annie Roach, Coal Run, 25th, aged 86 years.

Politicians busy discussing candidates for the Presidency, Sherman is the lead with strong opposition to Grant developed.
Geo. W. Richards received contract for building College Boat House, at upper end of City Park.
Joseph Lorentz woolen mill burned, loss $5,500.
Excitement over the Gen. W. P. Richardson bastardy case.
Register local assaulted by Jim Marvin.
Entertainment at City Hall by Defiance Fire Company.
Severe wind storm, 26th, several buildings unroofed.

Burning of the engine house of C. & M. R. R., loss $1200.
Joseph Cook lectured in City Hall.
City election, 6th, R. E. Harte, Republican, chosen Mayor.
George W. Stevens elected Mayor of Harmar.
W. Howell's barn burned, Liberty township, loss $2,000.
Death of Mrs. Catharine Haag, 30th, aged 83 years.

Death of Samuel Shipman, one of the oldest merchants in Marietta, 9th, aged 73 years.
Death of Capt. J. H. Best, 16th, aged 53 years.
Body of an unknown man found near Belpre, 28th.

Police in Harmar have trouble with rowdies.
Garfield demonstration, 8th, on the news of the Presidential nomination.
Death of Joseph Johnson, Newport, 10th, aged 95 years.
Appearance of seventeen year locusts.
New livery stable under the name of Pape & Brown.
Laura Smith sentenced to three years in the penitentiary for perjury; undertakes to cane the prosecuting attorney in court. Albert Barnhart sentenced to the penitentiary for 3 years; Albert Justice, 8 years; J. Barnhart, 1 year; John Bruce, 2 years.
Mannel Chamberlain, of Fishtown, killed by a falling tree.
Formation of Garfield and Arthur Clubs.
Hancock's nomination for the Presidency received with intense satisfaction by the Democracy.
Intensely hot weather.
Floating Bath House erected near the Park.
Man from Snider's brewery drowned at foot of Washington street.
High School Exhibition, 25th.
College Commencement, 28th.
Boat House dedicated, 30th.
Formation of Hancock clubs and politics running high.

Harmar gets the upper hand of her rowdies.
Severe storm, 13th.
Community excited over the Nixon scandal.
Death of Charles Atkinson, 10th, aged 84.
Democratic County Convention, 17th, Republican Convention, 31st.
Gen. R. R. Dawes nominated for Congress and A. J. Warner nominated on the Democratic ticket.

Incendiary attempt on the dwelling of Jacob Weyrick.
Putnam Light Artillery go into camp.
Session of Washington County Teacher's Association.
Belpre Harvest Home picnic, 20th.
John and Anna Farley, of Lowell, arrested for the murder of their infant children.

Excursion to Niagara Falls.
Fire at Rice's oil works and a boy named George Jack fatally burned.
Marietta Baptist Association at Newport, 7th.
Council ordered stone for Washington street landing.
Death of J. V. Ramsey, 7th.
Death of Sereno Hollister, 2d, aged 83 years.
Tri-County Fair at Beverly.
Washington County Fair at Marietta.
Death of Mrs. P. P. Lord, 22d.
District Convention of W.F.M.S. in this city, 27th.
Democratic idiots, fresh from ragbags, busy writing $329" on buildings and fences.
Death of John Curry, Watertown, 25th, aged 101 years 7 months and 2 days.
Death of Nathaniel Kidd, Fearing, 28th, aged 80 years.

Presidential election. Republicans in high glee.
Fire on College Campus. Indignation against the students that caused it.
Collision between steamer Coal City and Geo. Strecker.
Death of J. H. Dye, 4th aged 64 years.
Death of Mrs. Nancy Cole, Harmar, 12th, aged 65 years.
Trial of Willis Congdon for killing Wm. Bush. Verdict too small for mention.
Free bridge opened.
Very cold weather for this season of the year - 8 degrees below zero.
J. K. Spooner gets out of the postmastership at Beverly.
Thanksgiving 27th.
Marriage of W. J. Follet and Miss Nellie Woodbridge, 30th.

Boy named Royal Alfred Handell killed by the cars, near Stanleyville, 10th.
Slight boom in favor of Local Option.
Putnam Artillery have a fair.
House owned by Biszantz and Losher burned on Second street.
Congregational Church repaired and refurnished.
Year closed with intensely cold weather, ground covered with snow and thermometer 18 degrees below zero.

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