Saturday, May 30, 2009

Marietta Crime, 1808 - 1825

The Ohio Gazette, and Virginia Herald, April 27, 1808:We have received a communication stating that Harman Blennerhassett has been arrested and given bail to appear at Chillicothe to answer to the indictment found against him in January last for a misdemeanor.

The Ohio Gazette, and Virginia Herald, April 27, 1808:
State of Ohio, Washington County, ss.
John Steel of the said county of Washington, imprisoned within the jail of said county, having filed his petition to court to be discharged from prison now is assigning over his property for the benefit of this creditors, and having given bonds for the true and faithful performance of the same; the creditors of the said John Steel are therefore hereby notified to appear at the court of common pleas, next to be holden within and for said county at Marietta, on the first day of the term, then and there to shew cause if any they have, why the petition of the said John Steel should not be allowed.
John Steel.
April 27, 1808.

The Commentator; and Marietta Recorder, March 7, 1808:
Decision of the Court Martial ordered by General Buell for the trial of General Tupper, Communicated for the Commentator.
We, the undersigned, members of a General Court Martial, ordered by Major general Joseph Buell, for the trial of Brigadier General Edward White Tupper on the complaint of Majors Aaron W. Putnam and Thomas Stanley and Captain Simeon Deming, to be holden at the Court House in Lancaster, Fairfield County, on the first Monday of February, 1808, having examined the charges exhibited against the said General Tupper, and the evidence adduced in support of those charges, are of opinion that the accusations of themselves are frivolous and trifling, and not such as would deserve punishment by a Court Martial, if true; the acts on which they were grounded not appearing to have sprung from motives of corruption or malevolence: and further, that the evidence adduced in support of those accusations, has not been sufficient in our minds to substantiate the same. We, therefore, are of opinion that the said Brigadier general Edward W. Tupper has not been guilty of unofficer or ungentleman-like conduct, but that he has acquitted himself of those accusations alledged against him, with honour to himself and to the full satisfaction of this court.
David Rees, President.
Jonathan Lynch, Lieut. Col.
Jacob Lamb, Major,
Robert Young, Major,
Samuel Randall, Major,
Anthony Pitzer, Major,
Joel Strawn, Major,
William Reed, Captain,
Jeremiah Conaway, Captain,
Andrew Mires, Captain,
James Wilson, Captain,
James McBridge, Captain.
Elijah B. Merwin, Judge Advocate.

Western Spectator, November 6, 1810:
To Jasper Stone.
Whereas you have sworn at last August term of the court of common pleas that you believed I was considered by two thirds of the county of Washington as unworthy of being believed; I take this method to defy you to justify this belief.
Jeremiah Handley.
October 30, 1810

Western Spectator, December 18, 1810:
Whereas James Laidley having been empowered by the subscriber to dispose of his Patent for a Circular Saw Mill within the counties of Wood, Kenhawa, Cabell and Mason; and Whereas, said Laidley was to pay strict attention to said business and make returns to me as soon as possible, and whereas no returns have been made of said business, I do hereby revoke and disannul all the right and title said Laidley shall have to sell said Patent right within said counties of Wood, Cabell, Kenhawa and Mason; and all persons are hereby forbidden to purchase of said Laidley, expecting to hold said right after this date.
James Linsey.
December 8, 1810.

Western Spectator, April 11, 1811:
All persons are hereby cautioned from purchasing three Notes of hand of twenty-five dollars each, given by the subscriber to David Knight for Potter’s ware – as the same have been discharged.
Being about to leave Marietta for a considerable time, he also requests all persons indebted to him to make immediate payment. He is determined in future to retail his Ware for cash only.
Isaac Davis.
Marietta, March 24, 1811.

American Friend, October 30, 1813:
All persons are hereby forbidden to taken an assignment of two notes of hand, for fifteen Dollars each, executed by the subscriber, some time in January or February last, and made payable to Thomas Kidd; as I am determined not to pay them or either of them they having been fraudulently obtained.
Richard Fisher.
October 28, 1813.

American Friend, May 21, 1814:
The Reported High-Way Robbery.
Public feeling has been considerably excited, during the last and present week, by the report which has prevailed that Mr. Abraham Youngkin was on the 10th inst. between Graham's Station and Levi Stedman's robbed of $1,915 belonging to Mr. Joseph Holden of this town and Mr. J. C. McFarland of Charleston, Kenawha County, Va. Merchants. It appears Mr. McFarland forwarded by Mr. Y. $1,850 in bank notes, enveloped in a letter, directed to Mr. Holden. When Mr. Y. arrived at Mr. Stedman's, he reported that he had been robbed on the road. On his arrival at Marietta he informed Mr. Holden of the circumstance, and they both, accompanied by another gentleman, immediately sat off in quest of the robber. After an unsuccessful search they returned and Mr. Y. immediately issued printed advertisements descriptive of the robber, and offering a reward of $300 for his apprehension & the restoration of the money, or $150 for either.
On Thursday last, $1817 of the money, was discovered, by accident, secreted in this town. It was restored to the real owners.
We forbear to comment on this extraordinary transaction; time may develope the whole, and expose the villain.

American Friend, August 20, 1814:
Whereas Isaac Hinkle, of Harrison County, Virginia, fraudulently holds a note of hand, drawn in my name; this notice is therefore to forewarn all persons from purchasing or receiving said note, as I will not pay the same unless compelled by due course of law.
Hezekiah Sims.
Belleville, Va. August 18th 1814.

American Friend, August 27, 1814:
One Hundred Dollars Reward!
Broke Jail at Marietta on the evening of the 21st inst. Samuel Berry a criminal prisoner, about five feet eight inches high, light complexion, dark, small eyes and like an experienced villain will betray you with a smile.
Likewise, Thirty Dollars shall be given for the detection of Valentine Laybolt, who left the Jail at the same time; he is about five feet ten inches high, dark complexion, small dark eyes and peaked nose, talks broken English, being a Dutchman by birth.
Whoever will take up said runaways and secure them in any Jail, or return them to me, that they may receive the punishment due to their crimes, shall have the above reward and all reasonable expenses.
Silas Cook, dep. Sheriff.
For Timothy Buell, Sheriff.
Marietta, August 23d 1814.
Printers in the States of Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia are requested to insert the above two or three times in their papers, and in so doing they will, perhaps, stop villany of the blackest hue, and at the same time confer a favor on the community.

American Friend, September 10, 1814:
Five Hundred Dollars Reward!
General Post Office, August 29th 1814.
I will give five hundred dollars to any person or persons who will apprehend Daniel S. McNeal and deliver him to the custody of the Sheriff of the County of Warren in the State of Kentucky. The said McNeal has been employed by the Post Master, in the Post Office at Bowling Green, Kentucky -- in which situation he is charged with having robbed several Mails of an enormous amount of monies and bills of exchange. He is about sixteen years of age, of fair complexion, sensible and ingenious. Of his apprehension and delivery to custody notice is desired to be immediately given to me.
Return J. Meigs Jr.
Post Master General U.S.

American Friend, October 22, 1814:
As my shop was broken open on the night of the 13th inst. and a quantity of property stolen therefrom, belonging to the subscriber; I sent immediately in pursuit of the thieves and found them near the mouth of Hockhocking river, descending the Ohio in a canoe, pursued them to the Virginia shore, they left their canoe in haste - in which I found my own property and with it the following articles: viz.
One Saddle and bridle, one chain 57 feet long, 1 drawing-knife, 2 pieces of cotton cloth, 2 meal bags, 3 pair cotton stockings, 1 woolen gown, 1 hymn book, 1 inch chisel, 1 two-inch plain bit, 1 towel, one pail and one pair of shoes.
The owners of the above property are requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away.
Squire Prouty.
Union, Oct. 22d 1814.

American Friend, November 26, 1814:
Fifteen Dollars Reward. Any person who will apprehend and deliver into the custody of the subscriber, a Constable in Waterford, Washington County, Ohio; a certain George Shirley of said town, who on the 14th day of Nov. inst. Made his escape from the said Constable, he being taken by a warrant in behalf of the State.
The said Shirley, a few days past, was convicted of stealing a horse, saddle and bridle, and was last in custody for a far more aggravating and malicious crime.
Whoever will apprehend the above named Shirley, and deliver him to me, shall be entitled to the above reward.
Philip Devol.
Waterford, Nov. 25, 1814.

American Friend, January 7, 1815:
State of Ohio, Athens, County, December 28th, 1814.
Taken up on suspicion of swindling, a man who says his name is Thomas Perry, who delivered up a sum of Money, which he says he found below Charleston bridge, (Virginia) on the road to Wheeling, about the 18th inst. Also some wearing apparel, which he bought with money found at the same time, amounting in the whole, to nearly three hundred dollars; he says that he has expended some more of the money, but how much he cannot tell. He appears to be about fifty years old, five feet nine inches high, light complexion, and is disfigured in the left hand; says that he has been in the North-Western army, and wears a uniform coat. Any person who has lost money in that vicinity, and can give a description of the bills that will agree with those in my possession and make other satisfactory proof, will do well to call on Nathaniel Williams on Long Bottom, where the money, &c. is in keeping.

American Friend, January 21, 1815:
One Hundred and Fifty Dollars Reward.
Being authorized by the Post-Master General of the United States: I herebyoffer a reward of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, for the discovery and prosecution to conviction, of the person or persons, who broke open the Mail between this place and Athens on the 18th day of December last.
Griffin Greene, P. M.
Post-Office, Marietta, Jan. 19th

American Friend, March 3, 1815:
To the Public.
I am informed that some scandalous reports have been put in circulation, in order to defame and injure my character and hinder the sale of my medicine; probably these stories have been raised by Quacks, as no gentleman would be guilty of such acts. I have never been guilty of any such degrading or criminal act (as has been represented) neither against the laws of my country or any person – these propagators I proclaim to be LIARS.
I wish all magistrates to take notice as I intend to execute the law with the utmost rigor against all such offenders. All good citizens who wish to support the truth are requested to inform the magistrates, and I will reward all attorneys at law to take my cause in hand, and every person or persons who will leave a written testimony at the house of Mr. Stephen Shepard, Marietta, if it is essential to my cause.
Asa Johnson.
March 3d, 1815.

American Friend, March 17, 1815:
To the Public.
Whereas Adin Waterman fraudulently obtained from me a Note of Hand about three years since, this is, therefore, to forewarn any and every person from purchasing or receiving said note, as I will not pay the same, unless compelled by due course of Law.
Jacob Larue.
Union, March 13th, 1815.

American Friend, May 19, 1815:
All persons are hereby notified and requested not to take an assignment of a certain promissory note for $39 executed by Stephen Fuller and Jasher Taylor in favor of Demas Adams, and bearing date December 26th 1813, as I am determined not to pay the same, it having already been fully paid.
Asher Jones.
Newport, May 17th 1815.

American Friend, July 14, 1815:
Horse Stealing!!
Stolen out of the pasture of the subscriber near St. Clairsville, on the night of Wednesday the 21st inst. A handsome Dapple Gray Mare, with a mane and tail mostly black, with a scum over her near eye – has large round feet, and had all the shoes taken off – no other particular marks: about seven years old, and fifteen hands high. She was tracked for ten miles up to the head of Williams’s fork of M’Mahon’s creek. It is supposed she has been taken towards Marietta. It is hoped that the public feeling upon the evil of horse stealing, will lead to a detection of the thief, and enable the subscriber to obtain his property. A reward of 20 dollars will be given for securing and convicting the thief, and returning the mare; or 10 dollars for the mare only.
James Woods.
June 27, 1815.

American Friend, July 21, 1815:
Imposition and Calmni Refuted.
Whereas, a report has reached us, (which it appears has spread far thro’ the country) that some time about the first of May last, a person calling himself John Jenkinson, son of Isaac Jenkinson, Esquire, of Steubenville, broke open a chest or trunk of Obadiah Peden’s, at his house at the head of the Long-Reach on the Ohio, and stole therefrom sundry articles of value, to wit, 50 dollars in money, a watch, &c. and then fled; but being pursued by the said Peden, was apprehended at or near Marietta in Ohio, (where he still persisted that his name was John Jenkinson, and that he was the son of Isaac Jenkinson, Esq.) from whence he again made his escape, and has not since been heard of.
We do, therefore, feel it our duty, as neighbors of Mr. Jenkinson and citizens of Steubenville, to declare, that the above report, if true, exhibits a most flagrant piece of imposition; and, if false, is a most malicious attempt to calumniate. John Jenkinson, son of Isaac Jenkinson, Esquire, whom it would seem this Imposter personated, has not been absent from Steubenville for many months past. To those who are acquainted with Mr. Jenkinson and his family, this report would carry its imposition and falsity upon its face, and require no other refutation: But as Mr. Jenkinson is in public business, and his son is just stepping upon the stage of busy life, we deem it an act of justice to declare to the public, that Mr. Jenkinson’s character remains free from suspicion, notwithstanding the aforesaid report; and that his son John Jenkinson sustains a reputation without a blemish.
Bez’l. Wells, David Hoge, J. C. Wright, W. R. Dickinson, Tho’s Scott, Jno. C. Bayless, J. M. Goodenow, George Wilson.
Steubenville, June 24, 1815.
I do hereby certify, that John Jenkinson, son of Isaac Jenkinson, of Steubenville, is my apprentice, and during the last eighteen months, has not been two days, at any one time, out of my employment.
Samuel Williams, Tanner.
Steubenville, June 26, 1815.

American Friend, July 21, 1815:
Forty Dollars Reward.
Was stolen from the back yard of the Store of Augustus Stone, in Marietta, on the night of the 11th instant, Five Barrels of Salt, marked as follows, viz. Two barrels marked “J. G. 1st Quality,” Three barrels marked “1st Quality” without any other marks.
Whoever will return the salt and detect the Thief so that he may be bro’t before any Justice of the Peace, who may have jurisdiction of the offence so that he may be brought to justice, shall receive a reward of Forty Dollars.
Should the thief not be detected, I will give a reward of Fifteen Dollars for the Salt only.
John Green, 2d. of Adams.
Marietta, July 12th, 1815

American Friend, July 28, 1815:
One Hundred Dollars Reward.
The subscriber’s Store on Point Harmar, in Marietta, was on the night of the 2d of June last, broken open, and money to the amount of $360 stolen therefrom. The above reward will be given for the apprehension of the thief and the money if delivered at Marietta; Or seventy-five dollars if the thief be secured in any jail, or the money restored without the thief.
Augustus Stone.
Marietta, July 27th, 1815.

American Friend, August 18, 1815:
Caution Against Imposition.
A certain Henry Frost, alias Henry H. Frost, who has for about a year past, roamed about the States of Ohio and Kentucky, pretending to be a Missionary sent out by the Society of Connecticut, and in that character has imposed himself on many of that well meaning class of the community who are disposed to welcome and patronize the real and pious Missionary – did on the 12th day of May last, procure from Henry Starr, Esq. of Richmond, Kentucky, a horse to ride from said Richmond to Winchester, Ky. About 20 miles, with an express engagement to return the horse the next day. The horse had not yet been returned, nor any satisfaction made to the owner for the detention and fraudulent conversion of the said horse.
“The horse is a roan – rather small – trots and appears extremely well – cost $75 – and is an excellent horse of his size.” To any person who will procure the horse and return him to H. Starr, Esq. or deliver him to me at Marietta, I am authorized to pay, and will pay Ten dollars.
David Putnam.
August 9th 1815

American Friend, October 13, 1815:
About the 11th or 12th of September the subscriber, of Marietta, bought a Horse of Elisha Harris, of Guernsey County, for which I gave a note of hand payable on demand, for sixty dollars – as this note has been once paid up, this is to caution any person from buying or receiving it, and said Harris is requested to deliver said note to me without delay.
Charlds A. Newton, Physician.
Marietta, Oct. 13, 1815.

American Friend, March 10, 1815:
I hereby respectfully inform the public that I have received from Mr. Robert Ewart, an instrument of writing with my name attached to it, which he found posted, in the manner of an advertisement, purporting that the said Ewart had deserted from my company, on the 9th of February, after being drafted to serve a tour of duty at Norfolk; I am willing to swear that the above is false – that he was not drafted, and that I did not advertise him.
Any person who will apprehend the writer of the above described advertisement, and secure him, shall be entitled to 20 dollars reward from me.
Asher Jones, Capt.
Tyler County, (Va.)
March 4th, 1815.

American Friend, May 19, 1815:
To the Public.
As John Patterson, 1st Lt. U.S. Infantry, advertised, on or about the 20th of July 1813, for the apprehension of two deserters: and as I, by virtue thereof, apprehended and delivered them to the said John Patterson, for which I received his note of hand, &c. which he, in a very ungentlemanly manner, refuses to pay, and asserts that he apprehended them himself.
This is therefore to inform the public that I view his word and signature, as he does himself, of little value and not to be relied on.
Edward Hart,
Of Randolph County, Va.
Marietta, May 18th, 1815

American Friend, July 14, 1815:
To the Public.
As there has appeared in the American Friend, a publication prejudicial to the character of Lieut. John Patterson, over the signature of Edward Hart of Randolph County, Virginia, it becomes my duty to state the facts I know relative to the affair, and at the request of Patterson, I submit the following facts:
Application was made to me by the above named Hart, to pay a note of hand which he held against Lt. John Patterson, and at the same time threats were made that a non-compliance on my part would occasion him to publish the conduct of Patterson towards him respecting the note. To prevent further difficulty I proposed paying him five dollars on the note, and receipting to him for the obligation remaining, and show it to Patterson on my arrival at Detroit; If I received the money from Patterson I would hold myself accountable to Hart for it or the note, and accordingly application was made by me to Patterson. Immediately after I arrived at Fort Shelby, and from Patterson’s statement I took the impression that he had not been well used by the person holding the note, but never refused paying it when convenient. Shortly after, I was detached to a separate command, on the Canada side. During the winter had not a favorable opportunity of being in company with Lt. Patterson, therefore at the time I came into the States had forgotten that I had this demand against him, and nothing more was said on the subject until after the publication of hart in the American Friend. About the 18th of May last, Edward Hart, on his way from Kentucky, called on me for the money, I refused paying him as I had not received it, and informed him that I had no doubt, if he would take the trouble to ride to Waterford, the distance of sixteen miles, that he would receive his pay, believing that Patterson was there. The principal cause of my not advancing the money for Patterson, was, that Hart had been a long time from home, and I could not tell but that Patterson had sent the money to him the said Hart, to Randolph County, Virginia, in his absence.
Alexander Hill.
Marietta, June 27th 1815

American Friend, March 29, 1816 :
I, the Subscriber, do hereby certify and acknowledge that I have, on the 13th of this inst. been in a state of intoxication, and mentioned, in public company, a certain something concerning Mrs. Margaret Harvey, and the same might be injurious to her character, & c.
I now hereby acknowledge that the same was an untruth; and further, acknowledge myself guilty of a falsehood, &c. Witness my hand and Seal, this 14th day of March, A. D. 1816.
Robert Baird. (Seal.)
Witness present, Richard Maxson, Isaac Mixer.

American Friend, May 24, 1816:
Notice. - All persons in the state of Ohio, Pennsylvania or the United States, are warned and forbid from taking assignments on, or officiating as agents or attornies on the following notes, viz: One note in favor of one ____ Weaver of Kanawha County, Virginia, for about one hundred dollars, given for salt, which salt was in his own possession and never made use of by me; One note in favor of Peter Shaw, of Clermont County, Ohio, for about fifty dollars, for which I left with him Mill Stones, to the amount of one hundred and sixty dollars; One note in favor of David Wood, for about two hundred dollars, of which one half is justly due Margaret Catharine Brawley as administratrix of the estate of Patrick Brawley deceased, however, what is found hereafter justly due on said note, I shall honorably pay to Margaret Catharine Brawley.
William Green.
Ames, Athens County, O.
May 19, 1816.
N. B. - It is to be understood that James W. Nicholson and David Wood were the men appointed to conduct the settlement, wherein Margaret Catharine Brawley and myself were the only parties concerned, appointed by herself, whereof whatever was, or is found justly due, should have been given by signature, thus payable to Margaret Catharine Brawley, as administratrix of the estate of Patrick Brawley deceased.
For further particulars, a reference may be had to a letter, now in my possession, which was inclosed to me in a blank letter, directed to me at Athens, O. and which I received the 20th of this month.
W. G.

American Friend, July 26, 1816 :
Two notes, on the Farmer's Bank of Canton purporting to be fifty dollars each, were lately given to James Whiteside of Long Bottom, Athens County, Ohio, by a person who said he was traveling to Philadelphia, who received in exchange a wagon and horse. One of these notes we have since seen: It appears to have been a genuine one dollar bill, altered to fifty, and by a close examination may easily be perceived. The figures 1 at the top of the bill have been scratched out and 50, printed on very fine paper, carefully pasted on the place - and in the body of the bill the word “one” is substituted by “fifty” in German text, in the same manner. This may easily be seen by holding the bill to the light.
It is necessary that every person should be very particular in examining bills, and those who are not sufficiently acquainted with them to be assured of their genuineness ought to apply to those who are, and endeavor to detect the many counterfeiters and swindlers, who at present infest the United States.

American Friend, July 26, 1816 :
There are counterfeit notes of the Farmer's Bank of Canton, from 75 cents downward, in circulation. They are printed on deep fancy pink paper, with larger type than the genuine - the figures are very large and the notes are dated May 3, 1816.
Muskingum Messenger.

American Friend, July 26, 1816 :
Brigade Orders.
Huntington, April 13th 1816.
At the General Court Martial, of which Col. Augustus Stone, of the 1st Regiment, 1st Brigade and 3d Division of Ohio Militia, is president, was tried Thomas Furguson, Captain of the 7th Company in said Regiment, on the charge of unofficerlike and improper conduct, to the 2d specification of which the prisoner plead guilty.
The court, after mature deliberation, are unanimously of opinion that Capt. Thomas Furguson is not guilty of the charge contained in the 1st specification: the court are also of opinion that the conduct of Capt. Thomas Furguson, relative to the 2d specification, in erasing out his own name together with the fine annexed thereto, is highly reprehensible, and do sentence him to be publicly reprimanded, and that he pay into the hands of the pay master, the fine assessed on him at the last Regimental Court of Enquiry of September 18th 1815, together with the constable's legal fees.
The Brigadier General approves the sentence of the General court Martial and orders the sentence to be carried into effect.
The General Court Martial, of which Col. Augustus Stone is president, is hereby dissolved.
By command of the Brig. Gen.
A. Warner, Aid & Judge Advocate, especially for said trial.
To Thomas Furguson, Captain of the 7th Company, 1st Battalion, 1st Regiment, 1st Brigade and 3d Division of Ohio Militia.
Sir - It becomes my duty to carry into effect the sentence of the Court Martial which set on your trial March 27th, 1816.
The task is painful but the duty is imperious. The Court leaned to the side of mercy (as they ought) in presuming your motives good - I have a hope they were, but your conduct, to which the charges have a reference, was unmilitary and improper, tending to disorganization; however, I flatter myself that duty will not again call on me to address you in a similar manner.
Augustus Stone, Col. 1st Regt. 1st Brig. & 3d Division of Ohio Militia, lately under arrest, is restored to his command.
Samuel R. Holcomb, Brig. Gen.
Col. A. Stone is charged with transmitting this order.
S. R. Holcomb, Brig. Gen.

American Friend, August 2, 1816 :
Whereas Silas Green, of Ames township, did, on or about the 16th of April 1816, obtain from me in a fraudulent manner, a note of hand for 100 dollars, I therefore give this notice to forwarn any person from taking an assignment of said note as I am determined not to pay one cent unless compelled by law.
Amos Linscott.
Ames, Athens County, July 22, 1816.

American Friend, August 9, 1816 :
Five Hundred Dollars Reward!
Escaped from prison in Chillicothe, State of Ohio, on the night of the 4th of June last. James Essex Crosby Sterling.
He is about 30 years of age, five feet seven inches high, of a fair complexion, thin visage, light hair, large eyes, Roman nose, large whiskers; by trade a clothier, can work at carding or any employment in manufactories, and is also expert at the sword exercise and boxing. He was born in Warwickshire, in England, and it is believed came within the last year from Canada to this State.
The said James Essex alias James Essex Crosby Sterling, was committed to jail last January, on a charge of robbing the mail of the United States. His partner, who calls himself Thomas Noble, alias Thomas W. Noble, is now in prison, on a charge of robbing the mail at the same time. The above reward will be given for his apprehension, and delivery, or confinement in any jail of the United States, so that he can be brought to trial.
John Hamm, Marshal of Ohio District.
Zanesville, Ohio, July 25, 1816.

American Friend, September 27, 1816 :
Robbery. On Friday night last, the Store of Mr. Joseph Holden of this town, was broken open, and between one and two hundred dollars in cash was taken therefrom; no goods were missing.

American Friend, October 25, 1816 :
All persons are forbid purchasing or receiving a note of hand which I gave to John Perry of Waterford, (O.) dated at Pittsburgh the first part of the present month, it being fraudulently obtained. The above mentioned note is drawn in favor of said Perry for Four hundred dollars, and there is an endorsement on the same for Fifty two dollars.
Henry L. Prentiss.
October 19th, 1816.

American Friend, February 7, 1817:
A true statement of the proceedings of Col. A. Stone, and Major John Thorniley, against me, when acting as Captain under their command:
On the fifteenth day of October, 1815, I received a letter from Major Thorniley, with two warrants enclosed in it, directed to two constables, the one in Grandview township, and the other in Newport: The warrant directed to Grandview was sent to John Riggs, as constable, who was not a constable. These warrants were for the purpose of collecting fines of men under my command, for failing to attend muster; in which warrants there were fines stated against men in my company who were not fined; to wit, Richard Greene, Stephen Dana and Jacob M’Vay. Richard Greene and Stephen Dana were sick at the time of muster and not able to attend, to my knowledge; and Jacob M’Vay was absent, boating. I rendered their excuse to the Board of Officers, in writing, and they were not fined – but these names were in the warrant, fined, and the warrant signed by Major Thorniley, and attested by Wm. P. Putnam, Adj. who were both at the Board when the fines were assessed, and knew these men were not fined. Major Thorniley directed me, in his letter, to erase out of each warrant, the names of men who did not reside within the jurisdiction of each constable – and in so doing, I made a mistake and erased two or three names out of the Grandview warrant instead of Newport, but I immediately corrected it and noted the mistake, and sent them to the constable, as directed. I also erased the names of those men who were not fined, thinking it was a mistake of Thornily and Putnam.
I was fined five dollars for not attending the Battalion Muster in April 1815, although my family was in such a situation that I could not leave home. My mother lay on her death bed, and the night before the muster my neighbors watched with her, thinking she would not survive till morning; and the high water had so obstructed the roads on the Ohio river, that it was impossible to get to the muster ground without going through the woods 18 or 20 miles; but, notwithstanding, I was fined five dollars, and sent in the warrant for collection. I immediately went to the Paymaster of the Regiment, and made arrangements to pay my fine with an order I had on him for six dollars; and the constable agreed to take my order on the Paymaster, Jesse Davis, who was to receive it in place of the money. I then erased my name out of the warrant, as my fine was in the Paymaster’s hands; and in a short time after, the constable showed the warrant to Col. Stone, who directed him not to receive my order on the Paymaster in payment of my fine, as I understand, and advised Major Thorniley to arrest me for erasing the names – which Thorniley did, without giving me the least hint of it; and all I had to confess myself guilty of, at the trial, was the correcting of their errors, for which the verdict of the Board was, I should be reprimanded, and pay my fine of five dollars. Col. Stone has taken the liberty to put it in the public papers, and has stated that the Court leaned to mercy, as they ought to have done; but that I deny, for the nature of the case did not require it.
Major Thorniley proved these statements, as he was asked, when on oath at my trial, whether the men that I was put under trial for erasing their names were fined or not? and his answer was, that Greene and Dana were not fined, and he believed the others were not; but that the mistake was made by him and Putnam. Jesse Davis, Paymaster, also stated on oath, that he had agreed with me to receive my order by the constable, in place of the money. Col. Stone, since my trial, received my order, in payment of my fine, without any hesitation; and his carrying the reprimand into effect is not officer-like, which any man, of middling talents, knows. This is Col. A. Stone, and Major Thorniley, Commandants of the 1st Brigade, 1st Battalion and 3d Regiment, Ohio Militia.
Thomas Ferguson.

American Friend, April 4, 1817:
Counterfeits – Again.
Counterfeit Five Dollar Bills purporting to be on the Bank of Marietta, have lately made their appearance in this neighborhood. The President’s name is very indifferently written – dated April 1813 – payable to Horace Nye – the Cashier’s name is a good imitation. The engraving is badly executed.
Am. Standard.

American Friend, April 25, 1817:
Beware of a Swindler.
Some time in the month of July, 1816 a traveler called at my tavern, three miles north west of Lancaster on the Columbus road, calling himself William Frances, but since I have found to be William Frank, a shoemaker, and served his apprenticeship in Marietta – and said that he lived at the Flats of Grave creek, Virginia side, but since I find he lives with his father on the Middle Island in the Ohio river, at the head of the Long Reach, and wished to stay with me a few days in order to rest himself, to which I consented. He wished his horse to be put to pasture, to which I objected stating that I had oats and hay plenty in my stable, and that he would be more safely kept. But after many entreaties and requests of this Mr. Frank I consented to put his horse in pasture. On the second night his horse was missing, by what means I cannot say, as all my neighbors know that my enclosures were lawful. This Mr. frank requested me to lend him a horse to ride to Columbus, to his brother-in-laws, a Mr. Baker, where he would find Dr. Jett who could cure him of a disease, that he was long afflicted with, to which pitiful request I consented and lent him a horse to go to the above mentioned place – but unfortunately for me I have never heard of this Mr. Frank or my horse since. I have therefore thought proper to publish the imposter, in order that the honest people of this country may guard against a man who is willing and has actually deceived a friend, who helped him in distress and who the subscriber has just reason to say is dishonest, and the reason is that I lent him a horse to oblige him, and he has never had the honor to show himself or return my horse since.
Samuel Graybill,
3 miles N. of Lancaster, Ohio.
January 11th 1817.
N. B. The different printers in the State of Ohio, will confer a favor on the subscriber, and their friendly patrons by giving the above an insertion or two.
S. G.

American Friend, May 9, 1817:
Take care of your Plough Irons.
Stolen from the subscriber, living on the Little Muskingum, on the night of the 29th of April, this instant, a set of hog-nose plough irons, taken off the plough in the field; the upper screw was found by the plough in the morning. Any person who will secure the thief so that he may be brought to justice, and the irons so that the subscriber may get them, shall be entitled to $20 Reward.
John Chambers.
Lawrence, April 30th, 1817.

American Friend, September 12, 1817:
Notice is hereby given that David Blake has fraudulently obtained from me the assignment of two Notes of hand drawn by James Baker of Wooster township, in my favor dated April 12th, 1817, both amounting to $133 & 32 cents. The public are hereby forbid purchasing or receiving said notes of the said David Blake, and Mr. Jas. Baker from paying the same, unless it is paid into my hands.
Alexander Kidwell.
Sept. 11th, 1817.

American Friend, September 26, 1817:
Whereas Alexander Kidwell has advertised that “David Blake has fraudulently obtained the assignment of two notes of hand, drawn by James Baker of Wooster, for $133 and 32 cents,” &c. I have thought proper to make the following statement of facts:
On the 16th of July last, the said Kidwell came to where I was reaping, and wished to purchase the possession of certain lands where I had for several years lived. He asked my price, which I told him was one hundred and fifty dollars. I told him he had better think well of it before he ventured to buy, as I did not own the soil, and he was liable at any time to be dispossessed; I asked also if his family were willing – he said it would make no difference. I shewed him the part of the improvement which belonged to the Congress Lot, and what belonged to the eight acre lots – and told him that as there was much risk and he was a poor man, perhaps he had better not buy. He said he knew the situation as well as I – that he wished to purchase, and requested I would not sell to any other person. I told him I was in a hurry at that time – that he might think of it and set a time to call again. He fixed on Saturday the 19th of July: Philo Trobridge was present during this conversation. On Saturday, the day appointed, Kidwell came and told me he would purchase of me and give my price. I asked him if he had thought of the matter well? He said he had – that he thought he could keep the place long enough to get the worth of his money. We then went to Mr. Laban Vincent’s, and Kidwell requested Mr. Vincent to draw an article for the conveyance from Me, which he did – and when Kidwell had been again cautioned by me, and had been told by Mr. Vincent that he had better buy the right of soil of some other land – which seemed, if any thing, to make him more earnest for the trade – I signed the conveyance and took in part payment the notes referred to in his advertisement. Since then Mr. Hoit, of Marietta, has entered the quarter section of Congress land on which most of the said improvements lie, and Kidwell has made some accommodation with Mr. Hoit and relinquished the possession. This business was closed at the office of Mr. H. P. Wilcox in Marietta, in my presence. Mr. Kidwell it seems had previously agreed with Mr. Hoit that as I had not yet left the possession, I should give a quit claim to Mr. Hoit, and he (Kidwell) would give up the writing above mentioned, which at Kidwell’s request Mr. Vincent had drawn, and I had signed and delivered. This was accordingly done; and on receiving back the writing I had given, I voluntarily gave up to Kidwell his obligation for about seventeen dollars. He was asked by Mr. Hoit if he was satisfied with the arrangement? To which he answered that he was. Since then, he has been persuaded by some one to insert the abovementioned slanderous advertisement against me, which is wholly destitute of truth. I have never in any way injured him to the amount of a cent.
David Blake.
Fearing, Sept. 22, 1817.
I certify that the conversation before me between Mr. Blake and Mr. Kidwell, on the purchase of Mr. Blake’s possession, is correctly stated above.
Phil Trobridge.
I certify that Mr. Blake in his relation above, relative to what transpired at my house in regard to the bargain between him and Kidwell, has, according to my best recollection, stated nothing but truth.
Laban Vincent.

American Friend, December 5, 1817:
Twenty Five Dollars Reward
Will be given to any person who will apprehend and return to the Jail of Athens County John K. Hewett, who broke out of said jail on the night of the 24th inst. Said Hewett is about 24 years of age, about five feet 10 inches high, light complexion and slim built.
Thomas Armstrong, Sheriff.
Athens, November 25, 1817.

American Friend, February 13, 1818
To The Public.
I hereby forewarn all persons from taking an assignment of two notes of hand, executed by us the subscribers, bearing Date the seventeenth day of December, A. D. 1817, for the sum of one hundred and Eight dollars. The first of said notes for the amount of fifty-eight dollars, the other for fifty dollars, both fraudulently obtained. I am determined not to pay the same unless compelled by law.
John Mc’Kee,
Martha Mc’Kee.
February the 1st, 1818.

American Friend, July 3, 1818:
Columbus, June 25.
On Tuesday evening last was committed to the Penitentiary in this town, Cornelius Davis, of Athens county. The crime, for which he is sentenced, was that of committing a rape upon the body of his own daughter, a girl of about 15 years of age. It appeared, upon trial, that he had several times, repeated his brutal conduct, before the daughter informed upon him, she being deterred by his threats of killing her, if she ever told upon him. She however, shortly told a neighboring aunt of hers, of the circumstance, upon which he was apprehended, and at the late court of Common Pleas, put upon his trial, convicted by the jury, and sentenced by the court, to hard labor in the Penitentiary, during 14 years. We understand that he is now about 48 years of age.

American Friend, July 17, 1818:
The public are cautioned against receiving or purchasing two Notes of hand, which are said to have my name signed to them, and dated in the state of New York, one for 100 dollars and the other for 110 dollars, drawn in favor of Joseph Winter – as, if there are any such notes in existence, they are forgeries.
Haviland Chase.
July 15th, 1818.

American Friend, August 21, 1818:
We have determined to adopt the practice which has been sometime pursued by several editors, towards their runaway subscribers. Many persons indebted to us, have decamped, some for four years papers, without even bidding us good bye, and have thereby left us in the lurch, to pay our paper maker, and the other expenses of the establishment, the best way we can, for the benefit they have derived from it. It is our intention, not only to expose the names of such persons, but the places to which they have removed, if it can be ascertained, that others may be aware of them. We therefore begin with William Kelly, a potter by trade, who descended the Ohio river, considerably in arrears for the American Friend.

American Friend, October 30, 1818:
Out of the meadow of the subscriber, on the evening of Sunday the 25th instant, a Dark Bay Mare, aged about twelve or fourteen years; she was large, well made, strong and active; Although she has not suckles for five years past, she is remarkable for the great size of her teats, her breast, from being hurt with a collar, is interspersed with white hairs, and a singular parting of the hair on her neck.
Fifty Dollars reward will be given, on prosecuting the thief to conviction – or Twenty for the mare, if delivered to Mr. Moses M’Farland, in Marietta. There are strong grounds to believe that she was stolen by a Joseph Jackson, late near Newark in this state, where it is said his wife and family resides, or did lately reside; his parents reside near Sandy (nor far from Canton) and about 30 miles from Steubenville. He is about five feet eight inches high, light complexion, well built, and as his aspect demonstrates, has lately recovered from a severe illness.
Isaac Humphreys.
Warren, October 27th 1818.
The Editor of the Muskingum Messenger is requested to publish the above three weeks, and forward his account to this office for payment.

American Friend, December 11, 1818:
I do hereby caution and forewarn all persons in the State of Ohio, and elsewhere, from harboring or employing, aiding or assisting, or contracting with or trusting the following twenty-two German servants, who indentured themselves to me on the 30th day of October 1818 in the city of Philadelphia (Penn.) to go to the Alabama Territory, and to serve me three years and five months, after their arrival, to wit: John Gould and Elizabeth Gould, his wife; Jacob Kopp and Agatha Kopp, his wife; Joseph Geizer and Caroline Geizer, his wife; John Beck and Magdalena Beck, his wife and Lawrence Beck, their son; Johanna Wirtzburger and Maria Wirtzburger, his wife; John Hell and Scholastico Hell, his wife; Antono Fritag and Anna Maria Fritag, his wife; Christian Sherrer, Ferdinand Bingle, Jacob Fohr, Francis Anton Kleohr, Carl Zimmerman, Sebastian Hog and John Frederick Genuine, who has absconded from my service at Marietta, Washington County, State of Ohio, as they will be dealt with according to law – and that no contracts will be paid by me. Further, I forbid them or their children from becoming citizens of the United States, as they are not free until they go to the Alabama Territory and serve me there three years and five months after their arrival, agreeable to their indenture made with me.
James Brown.
Nashville, Tennessee.
Marietta, Washington County, Ohio, Dec. 7th, 1818.

American Friend, January 1, 1819:
For the American Friend.
Mr. Prentiss – Various and contradictory reports having been circulated respecting the Germans, lately arrived at this place, you are requested to publish the following statement:
On the evening of the 30th of Nov. ult. I was applied to as counsel in behalf of certain German Redemptioners, who had arrived that day, and who had been purchased at Philadelphia, by a Mr. James Brown, for Alabama Territory. They had in some way become dissatisfied with their purchaser and resolved to go no further with him. I had, the same evening, an interview with Mr. Brown, and, it being reported that he was preparing aid to take them away by force that night, informed him that such a procedure would be a violation of our laws, and would not be submitted to by our citizens. On the next day I went to the house where the Germans had taken lodging, and through an interpreter, had partly heard their story, when certain men came with Mr. Brown, from the Virginia side, armed with bludgeons, &c. Against these people, thus armed, the doors were closed until they dispersed. On the next day most of the Germans went into the country in a body – about fourteen miles up Duck Creek. Mr. Brown wished to take them before Mr. Justice Booth, in order to obtain a certificate to remove them under the United States Law, respecting fugitives from labor. They were requested to return – they did so; and after an examination and argument by counsel, which occupied a great part of two days, Mr. booth decided that they did not come within the law – and that he could not grant the certificate requested.
An impression has gone abroad, that the dissatisfaction of the Germans originated with the citizens of Marietta – an impression wholly without foundation. The citizens of this place would have been better satisfied, had the Germans been content to go on with their purchaser. But the Germans having claimed the benefit of our laws, for the protection of their persons, the citizens could not, in justice to themselves, tamely suffer one of the most essential maxims of our constitution to be violated. The Germans forced themselves ashore – and it is believed that none of our citizens would have interfered, had no force been threatened. The law of the United States provides that any persons owing service in a state, under the laws thereof, and escaping therefrom into another state, may, under the certificate of a magistrate, be taken back to the state from whence they fled. It may well be doubted whether this provision can in any case apply, excepting as to persons born slaves. At any rate the Germans have not fled from any state in which they owed service, under the laws thereof.
These Germans, as they state, had, in 1817, taken and paid for their passage from Rotterdam to America – but, after great suffering at sea, losing many of their children and companions, were cast away on one of the Portuguese (Azores) islands – whence they were obliged to re-ship, as redemptioners, for America. Mr. Brown, it appears, paid $1,275 for 22 in Philadelphia. It was proposed to him in Marietta to redeem these Germans, paying all expenses and reasonable charges; but he refused to take less than $3,500. The Germans are mostly in this vicinity, and profess the desire and intention of remunerating Mr. Brown, so soon as their circumstances will permit.
Caleb Emerson.
Dec. 29th, 1818.

American Friend, January 1, 1819:
For the American Friend.
Mr. Prentiss – Various and contradictory reports having been circulated respecting the Germans, lately arrived at this place, you are requested to publish the following statement:
On the evening of the 30th of Nov. ult. I was applied to as counsel in behalf of certain German Redemptioners, who had arrived that day, and who had been purchased at Philadelphia, by a Mr. James Brown, for Alabama Territory. They had in some way become dissatisfied with their purchaser and resolved to go no further with him. I had, the same evening, an interview with Mr. Brown, and, it being reported that he was preparing aid to take them away by force that night, informed him that such a procedure would be a violation of our laws, and would not be submitted to by our citizens. On the next day I went to the house where the Germans had taken lodging, and through an interpreter, had partly heard their story, when certain men came with Mr. Brown, from the Virginia side, armed with bludgeons, &c. Against these people, thus armed, the doors were closed until they dispersed. On the next day most of the Germans went into the country in a body – about fourteen miles up Duck Creek. Mr. Brown wished to take them before Mr. Justice Booth, in order to obtain a certificate to remove them under the United States Law, respecting fugitives from labor. They were requested to return – they did so; and after an examination and argument by counsel, which occupied a great part of two days, Mr. booth decided that they did not come within the law – and that he could not grant the certificate requested.
An impression has gone abroad, that the dissatisfaction of the Germans originated with the citizens of Marietta – an impression wholly without foundation. The citizens of this place would have been better satisfied, had the Germans been content to go on with their purchaser. But the Germans having claimed the benefit of our laws, for the protection of their persons, the citizens could not, in justice to themselves, tamely suffer one of the most essential maxims of our constitution to be violated. The Germans forced themselves ashore – and it is believed that none of our citizens would have interfered, had no force been threatened. The law of the United States provides that any persons owing service in a state, under the laws thereof, and escaping therefrom into another state, may, under the certificate of a magistrate, be taken back to the state from whence they fled. It may well be doubted whether this provision can in any case apply, excepting as to persons born slaves. At any rate the Germans have not fled from any state in which they owed service, under the laws thereof.
These Germans, as they state, had, in 1817, taken and paid for their passage from Rotterdam to America – but, after great suffering at sea, losing many of their children and companions, were cast away on one of the Portuguese (Azores) islands – whence they were obliged to re-ship, as redemptioners, for America. Mr. Brown, it appears, paid $1,275 for 22 in Philadelphia. It was proposed to him in Marietta to redeem these Germans, paying all expenses and reasonable charges; but he refused to take less than $3,500. The Germans are mostly in this vicinity, and profess the desire and intention of remunerating Mr. Brown, so soon as their circumstances will permit.
Caleb Emerson.
Dec. 29th, 1818.

American Friend, January 15, 1819:
Run-Away Debtor.
John Kennedy, formerly a subscriber to this paper, a resident of Virginia, has absconded, considerably in arrears, Printers are requested to publish his name and look out for him.
There are several others whose names will shortly be published.

American Friend, January 22, 1819:
One Thousand Dollars Reward!!! Bank Robbery.
David J. Marple, Cashier of the Bank of Muskingum, absconded from the Banking house on Tuesday morning the 5th of January inst. and has taken with him, as is believed, from fifteen to twenty thousand dollars in money other than paper of the Muskingum Bank. The said Marple is nearly six feet high; light complexion; grey eyes; fair hair, inclining to curl; a remarkable scar on the left side of his face across the lower jaw bone; a tuft of white hair on the back part of his head; about 38 years of age, of easy manners, and when walking droops his head a little. He rode a little sorrel horse about 15-1/2 hands high, crooked make, but an excellent traveler paces and trots well. His principal clothing was an entire new suit of snuff colored broadcloth.
The above reward will be given for the apprehension of the said David J. Marple, and returning the above mentioned money; or $500 for returning the said Marple without the money to the jail of Muskingum county.
By order of the Board of Directors.
E. Buckingham, Jr., President.
Zanesville, Jan. 11, 1819.

American Friend, January 29, 1819:
Take Notice.
The public are hereby cautioned and forewarned against taking or receiving any note or notes purporting to have been executed by the subscriber, in favor of one Jonas Main, which note or notes having been fraudulently obtained, I am determined not to pay them unless compelled by law.
The above mentioned notes are all of one hundred dollars each, and are drawn payable as follows: viz One the first of May 1818 – one the first of May 1819 – one the first of May 1820, and one the first of May 1821.
The said Jonas Main sold me a lot of hill land as agent for his father-in-law, Curtis Henman; the said Main is since dead, and Henman intends to take the said land from me, finding that my deed was not on record, which said Henman gave to me, and has put me to the trouble and expense of getting another deed from the original proprietor. This is my reason for refusing payment of said notes. Said Henman has undertaken a most villainous action which will stamp infamy on his already infamous character.
John Dyar.
Union, January 26, 1819.

American Friend, January 29, 1819:
Extract of a letter from Lexington, K. dated January 20th, 1819.
The Cashier of the Muskingum Bank was taken by Major Nye and two other persons a few miles east of Louisville, going homewards. He had only 2300 dollars about him – what he has done with the balance no one can tell – he certainly is deranged.

American Friend, February 5, 1819:
Mr. Prentiss – In the extract of a letter from Lexington Ky. Which appeared in your last paper there is an error that I beg leave correct. It is there stated that the Cashier of the Muskingum bank was taken by Major Nye a few miles east of Louisville, going homewards after passing into the interior of Ky. Mr. Marple, went to Cincinnati, where he remained two days then started for Louisville, in the mean time Major Nye had passed on to Louisville, finding there that he had got in advance of Mr. Marple he commenced his return and met him twenty miles this side of that place. No force, but considerable persuasion was made of to induce him to return.
Feb. 2d 1819

American Friend, February 19, 1819:
Masonic Notice.
Resolved, by a regular communication of Mount Moriah Lodge No. 37, holden in Waterford, County of Washington and State of Ohio, Feb. 4th A. L. 5819, that the following statement and letter be published in the American Friend printed at Marietta, viz:
Wm. White, late of Marietta, having exhibited a character highly repugnant to the rules and land marks of Free and Accepted Masons, we deem it a duty due our Fraternity and mankind in general, to publish the following statement on the subject. He the said Wm. White (then a resident of this place,) appeared and was fellowshipped as a free and accepted Mason, by Mount Moriah Lodge No. 37 installed in Waterford on the 4th of Nov. A. L. 4816 – wherein he, the said White, was installed into the office of Senior Deacon; after a residence of several months in this place, he removed to Marietta; after a residence there of several months, he produced certain papers to this Lodge, being recommendations in his favour; (which papers we now suspect were fictitious.) In consequence of which he obtained a diploma from this Lodge, and a discharge of membership from the W. Master thereof, dated on or about the 1st of January A. D. 1818. Since which time we have received a letter relative to his former deportment, which is here published for the inspection of the world.
“St. Johnsbury, Nov. 24, 1818.
“To the W. M. of Mount Moriah Lodge No. 37, and the brethren.
“I have received a communication from your Lodge through the Postmaster at Danville, Vt. Requesting information of a Mr. Wm. White, who once resided in this vicinity. I have by the order of this Lodge, taken the earliest opportunity to obtain information of said White, and transmit the same to you, which information is (according as I learn from respectable authority) as follows:
Mr. Wm. White appeared in this county several years ago from the Province of Maine, where he left a wife and several children, went into the town of Brownington, County of Orleans, married a wife who was respectable, but of low parentage, by the name of Farnsworth, he lived with her until she became the mother of several children; from there he went to Albany N. Y. obtained goods on a credit to the amount of $1000 or more and returned to this county, leaving his creditors without any security. He soon found himself pressed with debts in this place, and in difficulty, made himself known to a brother of this Lodge as a Mason. He however, soon after this entered into partnership with a brother-in-law, to carry on the boot and shoe making business; and by improper management involved the firm deeply in debt. White then persuaded the partner to furnish him with a considerable amount of their work to carry to a distance for the purpose, of thereby raising money, to extricate them from their debts. -- After making all proper arrangements for this object, he went secretly to the town of Walden where his wife’s father then lived, and persuaded a sister to his then present wife, to accompany him in his flight. They two escaped leaving his wife and two or three children in needy circumstances; his partner with all the debts upon him, besides having been duped to entrust him with the property (he carried with him) to a considerable amount. Since that time he has never been in this country. From the best information I have been able to obtain, he is a man wholly destitute of the principles of a Mason, corrupt in his designs, going from place to place, leaving debts behind him, also deluding and leading silly women captive at his will.
Respectfully and with brotherly affection, yours,
By order of Harmony Lodge No. 14, holden in St. Johnsbury, Caledonia County, State of Vermont.
Daniel Chamberlain,
The Editors of news-papers who are friendly to the institution of Masonry, are requested to give the above an insertion in their several papers.
By order of Mount Moriah Lodge No. 37, holden in Waterford, Washington County, State of Ohio. George N. Gilbert, Secretary.

American Friend, March 12, 1819:
Run-Away Subscriber.
We are under the necessity of exposing the name of Isaac J. Hatch, late a resident of the township of Adams in this county, who has absconded in debt for this Paper. It is said he has gone to St. Louis, M. T. The printers there are requested to publish this.

American Friend, May 14, 1819:
Run-Away Subscribers!
We are again under the necessity of exposing the names of two subscribers who have absconded in arrears for this paper, and request printers to publish them and beware.
Uriah Ingram, late of Waterford in Washington County, and Ambrose Leech, of Wood County, Virginia.

American Friend, May 21, 1819:
Ten Dollars Reward.
The Subscriber will give the above reward to any person or persons who will apprehend and deliver to me James Fish, who escaped from me, on Friday the 14th instant, while I was conducting him from Waterford to the County Jail, under the charge of theft. He is about six feet high, red complexion, thin visage, had on a very broad rimmed hat, a white tow and linen hunting-shirt, a checked pair of trowsers, very ragged, and an old pair of macasons.
William Devol, Constaable.
Waterford, May 19, 1819.

American Friend, May 21, 1819:
I hereby caution all persons from taking an assignment of a certain promissory note, executed by me to Mary Erwin, bearing date the 15th day of April, 1818, for the sum of six hundred dollars with interest, as I have paid the full amount of said note, although I have credit by endorsement on said note for only about four hundred and twenty-six dollars.
A. Fuller.
Marietta, May 19th, 1819.

American Friend, May 28, 1819:
Gentlemen Call In.
I mean those that owe me, unless some arrangements are made either to pay me or to secure to me what is my due, I must commence suits, and do by others (not as I would be done by) but as others do by me.
Rufus W. Adams
Marietta, May 26th, 1819.

American Friend, June 4, 1819:
One Hundred Dollars Reward.
Escaped from the custody of the subscriber, on the morning of the 3d of June, instant, Rufus W. Adams, who had been arrested for Counterfeiting and putting in circulation counterfeit Bank Notes, &c. &c. He is about five feet ten inches in height, straight and well built, light eyes and fair complexion, and walks with activity. He is of easy insinuating manners, and very loquacious. He is possessed of great assurance, and when engaged in conversation, expresses himself with fluency and earnestness, on any subject. He has been known in the State of Ohio, and perhaps in Kentucky, as a Book-Peddler, and a professed dealer in unchartered Bank Paper. It is probable he may alter his name.
The above reward will be given to any person who will apprehend the said Rufus W. Adams, and deliver him to the subscriber in Marietta, or imprison him in any jail in the state of Ohio.
Notley Drown, Constable.
Marietta, (O.) June 3d, 1819.

American Friend, June 18, 1819:
The Lost Woman!
Whereas reports have been circulated, by a malicious person, to injure the standing of the subscribers, and to disturb the tranquility of the neighborhood: that a certain woman, calling herself Margaret Ann Preacher, had some time since disappeared, in a mysterious manner, from about Rose’s Mills, through the agency of the undersigned, and suspicions have been excited that she had been left in some forlorn situation, or otherwise improperly treated; We have thought proper to publish the following statement: The woman above alluded to, applied for relief in the town of Lawrence, and, as she confessed, feigned herself to be near her time of lying-in, for the purpose of imposing on the people. She professed, however, a wish to proceed to her brother’s at Cincinnati. Being able to travel she was sent on – stopped at Marietta, and was sent back to Lawrence. Believing her to be able to proceed, and learning that her character and conversation were far from being decent or even tolerable, she was, on horseback, by her own consent and wish, escorted to the ferry in Marietta, passed safely over the Muskingum, and has been very frequently seen passing down the road on the Ohio bank below, in good health.
This statement, which can be supported by numerous witnesses, we hope will quiet the public mind on the subject.
James Hoff.
Elisha rose.
Lawrence, June 14, 1819.

American Friend, June 25, 1819:
Counterfeit Robbery.
Dishonesty broke into the stable of the subscriber, on the night of the 13th inst. and took therefrom, one Collar and one set of Breeching, for two horses – the breeching was made in the Pennsylvania fashion, the collar is open below, the tongues of the buckles are of wrought iron, put in by a blacksmith. Whoever will apprehend the thief so that he can be brought to justice, and return the breeching shall be handsomely rewarded.
Wm. Fulton.
June 23d, 1819.
The person who took a bell from the neck of a white cow, running in the woods between Marietta and White’s mill, will prevent his name being exposed to the public, by replacing it.

American Friend, July 23, 1819:
Trials of the Counterfeiters.
At the Court of common Pleas for the County of Washington, which commenced in this town on Monday the 12th inst. came on the trials of Robert Harrison, Benjamin S. Bartlett, and others, charged with the crime of counterfeiting; Garret Fitzgerald for Grand Larceny, and Asa Holden for perjury.
Robert Harrison was found guilty of counterfeiting Bank Notes, and sentenced to six years confinement in the Penitentiary, and, also of making implements for counterfeiting current coin, and sentenced to one year’s imprisonment in do.
Benjamin S. Bartlett was convicted on an indictment for passing counterfeit Bank Bills, and sentenced to two years confinement in the Penitentiary.
And Garret Fitzgerald, for Grand Larceny, sentenced to two years confinement in do.
Asa Holden was found guilty of perjury by the jury, but the judgment was arrested, on errors in the indictment, and he was discharged.
In addition to the above, one was tried for sending a challenge to fight a duel, and acquitted; and two, arrested on the charge of counterfeiting, obtained a continuance of their cases. The remaining four were acquitted.
The following articles were found, previous to trial, in an enclosure, at Point Harmar, and was supposed to have been left there while an officer was in pursuit to arrest some of the party, viz: Upwards of $1,400 in bills, of 5 and 10 dollars, purporting to be of the Bank of Detroit, dated June 4th, 1818, and signed Samuel Williams, President, and James Smith, Cashier. A Die for coining 25 cents Spanish pieces; two copper Plates for altering bills, having engraved on them a variety of letters and figures – from 5 to 50 dollars; a number of phials, containing acids, solutions, &c. India Ink, and a number of other articles, supposed to have been used for altering bills; and a counterfeit Eagle, or 10 dollars gold piece.
From the abundance of counterfeit paper which has been imposed on those who are not judges and by that means got into circulation, to the great injury of the innocent and unsuspecting – a caution, to the unwary, will not, perhaps be unnecessary: to be certain a bill is genuine before it is received or passed, and thereby prevent great loss and the suspicion of crime.
It is hoped the public will still be on the alert and bring to justice the transgressors of our laws, and the corrupters of society.

American Friend, August 6, 1819:
All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing a note of hand drawn by Alexander Hill, for one hundred dollars, payable to Lewis Anderson, or order, one year after date, dated on or about the 13th of March, 1817, and assigned by said Anderson to Samuel Jellison, who endorsed a receipt on the same of twenty dollars. As the said note is the lawful property of the subscriber the payment of it will be stopped.
Joseph S. Dow.
Marietta, July 29, 1819.

American Friend, August 13, 1819:
State of Ohio, Washington County, ss.
In Court of Common Pleas.
Notice is hereby given that on the 12th day of June last past, an attachment issued out of the said Court in the name of Joseph S. Dow, against the lands, tenements, goods, chattels, rights, credits, monies and effects of Rufus W. Adams, (an absconding debtor,) in a plea of trespass on the case; damage three hundred dollars; which writ was made returnable and was returned at the July Term, A. D. 1819, of said Court, and is now pending therein.
Notice is therefore, hereby given to the said Rufus W. Adams, to appear in said Court, enter special bail and receive a declaration in said action; otherwise judgment will be rendered against him therein at the second Term of said Court next to ensue.
Geo. Dunlevy, Clerk
August 13th, 1819.

American Friend, November 5, 1819:
From the Olive Branch.
A letter from a gentleman in St. Louis to one of the Editors, dated Sept. 19th, says – “Rufus W. Adams, (who was arrested for counterfeiting, and escaped from the custody of the officer at Marietta, O. in June last) died in this town, about ten days since.”

American Friend, February 25, 1820
To the Public.
his is to notify the public, that my son John Seevers has willfully perjured himself in giving in his testimony on a case, which was tried before Joel Tuttle, Jr. Esq. of Fearing township, between myself and Thomas Kidd, on or about the 30th day of Octoberlast – this is therefore to warn all persons to beware of him and treat him accordingly.
Abraham Seevers.
Fearing, February 23, 1820.

American Friend, February 25, 1820:
Adams, February 7, 1820.
Whereas an evil report has been circulated in a most malicious manner stating that Nancy Sifers, who is the wife of Alexander Allison, was pregnant and had a child previous to her marriage with said Allison – We the subscribers feeling ourselves in duty bound to justify our own consciences, as well as abused innocence, do hereby testify that we have been conversant with her as well as with her father’s family, and we have never known said Nancy Sifers to be charged with any such crime since her early years as pregnancy or child-bearing, but did always consider her as a young woman whose character was unspotted, and further did consider her conduct to be sober and inoffensive previous to her marriage with Alexander Allison: We do therefore deeply regret that there is such unprincipled people in our country who will venture on the breach of God’s law in propagating slander to the parting of man and wife, and to the destruction of a young and rising family; and it is our most earnest desire that the perpetrators of this base calumny may be found out and receive that punishment they have so justly merited.
John Green
Daniel Owen
Charles Allison
Wm. Davis
Joseph Simons
Benjamin Nott
Hugh Allison
Jesse Baldwin
Amos Wilson
Stephen Frost
This may certify that I know nothing prejudicial to the character of Nancy Allison.
Cyrus Spooner.

American Friend, March 24, 1820:
Wooster, Washington County, Ohio
March 13th, 1820
Whereas Sanderson Rogers of said township and county aforesaid, on Friday the 25th day of February, by fraud and deceit, got a note from the subscriber, for the sum of twenty-five dollars, due nine months after date – I do forewarn all persons of taking any assignment on said note, as I am determined not to pay said note except compelled by law.
John Skipton.

American Friend, April 14, 1820:
Mr. Prentiss,
The degree of excitement to which the public mind has been worked, by the late proceedings relating to the Elevated Square, will, it is hoped, justify a citizen in a few remarks; which are intended, barely to persuade those who censure the Council, and reprobate their conduct – not to be carried away by the clamour of persecution raised against them, however industriously that clamour may be propagated; but to examine into the facts, and be independent enough to draw conclusions for themselves. The Council have, we are bound to presume, acted from good motives – this is no personal contest on their part – the interest and the right of the town is what they are maintaining; and their measures for its accomplishment, they expect to defend and justify: In fact, they have been legally called on so to do. Is not this enough? Must they be branded for a Mob, by the very men whose rights they are vindicating? Must they be termed persecuting villains, because their opponent has money, and of course influence? If the citizens of the town of Marietta can thus tamely sit down and have their franchises, one by one, stripped from them, and so far from rising in the majesty of injured freemen, and fearlessly supporting the proper guardians of their rights and privileges, are the foremost to be their calumniators and revilers – they justly deserve to have their Monuments of Antiquity ploughed down to the ground, and in their stead one reared more congenial to their actions and sentiments, and long be remembered as a monument of their blindness, or their stupidity.
If the Council have acted illegally (which is not conceded,) they are amenable to the laws. If there has in fact been any thing of the persecution, of which so much is heard, it must be susceptible of some proof. For one, I will say, I should be glad to have some proof of it exhibited to the public, if they are selected as the proper tribunal for adjudicating on such a point. If they are not, why should so much pains be taken to preoccupy and prejudice their minds?

American Friend, April 14, 1820:
Whereas certain persons have wantonly threatened and attempted to break up and deface the ancient elevated square situated in the reservation called Quadranaou, which reservation was granted in trust to the Town Council of this Town, for public walks or public buildings and for the benefit of indigent orphan children. This is therefore to forewarn all persons against trespassing on said square and reservation, as they would avoid the penalty of the Law.
By order of the Town Council
Royal Prentiss
Town Clerk.
Marietta, April 12th, 1820.

American Friend, April 28, 1820 [note, dispute continues for several weeks in newspaper]:
To the Editor of the American Friend.
Some writer in your last paper under the signature of “Fair Play” having publickly assumed the defence of the late conduct of the Town Council of Marietta, relative to the unhappy controversy now existing between them and my brother – I am compelled, although with feelings of extreme reluctance, in vindication of him as well as myself, and with a view to allay that spirit of excitement which this writer seems chiefly desirous to ferment and cherish, to attempt a reply. Motives of delicacy, and a sincere desire on my part in no way to implicate the character of individuals, whose general deportment through life as been such as to secure the respect and esteem of their fellow citizens, will prevent me at present from indulging in personalities, or comment upon any of those shameful outrages that have lately disgraced our town. Suffice it to say, that if the laws of our country have been repeatedly set at defiance, and the sanctity of those rights of person and property, which are guaranteed by the constitution of the land, has been openly violated we have competent tribunals to award ample reparation to the injured, and to mete out exemplary punishment to the guilty. Let these tribunals canvass our respective merits and adjudicate upon our rights. I cannot better illustrate the present state of the existing controversy, between the Town Council and my brother, than by a simple reference to such facts as we are prepared to verify. The property, which has now become the subject matter in dispute, was purchased by my brother in July last. A regular conveyance of the property was at that time made out, duly executed and acknowledged, and the possession at the same time delivered over. From this time my brother continued in undisturbed possession of this property without notice of any adverse claim, until the 14th day of February last, when a note from Royal Prentiss was received, stating “that the Town Council of Marietta had directed an enquiry to be made whether he would receive a lease from them, on equitable conditions?” To this enquiry an answer was immediately returned, in writing, in substance stating “that until satisfactory evidence was furnished, that the Town Council, or municipal authority of Marietta, were invested either with a legal or equitable title, paramount to the one we had already acquired, it would be unreasonable to expect a compliance with their request.” No further communication passed upon the subject until about the middle of March following, when a letter was received from Caleb Emerson, Esquire, one of the members and chief organ of the Town Council, reiterating the request of Mr. Prentiss and referring us to the Records of the Ohio Company for that evidence which we required, as to the legality of their title, and to justify a compliance on our part with their request. After a careful examination of these records, and a consultation with some of the most judicial gentlemen of this place, relative to the claim interposed by the Town Council, it resulted in the entire conviction that their alledged title was wholly unfounded, and that the authority which they appeared disposed to exercise, was an unwarrantable assumption of power. Upon further investigation made, with the view of collecting all the information that was practicable, I learned that this property, during the lapse of near thirty years, had passed from one individual to another, each of whom had remained in peacable possession of it, during the time of their respective occupancy without molestation or any interposition made by or in behalf of the Town Council; and that no one act had ever been done by them in support of their alledged claim, or as indicative of their intention of exercising any control over it. Desirous, however, of an amicable accommodation of differences and not doubting but the Town council were alike actuated by similar considerations, I called on Mr. Emerson and after distinctly stating the object of my interview, informed him that I was authorized in behalf of my brother (should it meet the views of the Town Council) to agree upon a statement of facts, relative to our respective claims, which should be submitted to the court for their decision at their next session, or at any subsequent term, and that in the mean time security be given to any amount required, that that part of the Lot, called the Elevated Square, should not be disturbed until a decision was had. This proposition made on the 27th ult. And afterwards renewed, without success, was scornfully rejected, and in reply I was given distinctly to understand that the title we had acquired was considered a mere nullity, and that any attempt made by us to retain the possession of this property would be repelled by force should it be found requisite. In accordance with these declarations of intended violence, on the morning of the following day, Mr. Emerson with one of his coadjutors, came into the field and stopped the team by force, and ordered the men in my brother’s employment to quit the field. To prevent a repetition of so daring an outrage, a suit was brought against the trespassers, which is still pending. This measure of precaution has been totally disregarded, and this bold intrusion has been followed up with threats and actual personal violence, committed under the auspices and with the consent of the Town Council. In addition to these aggravating circumstances, and to relieve the Town Council from that constant vigilance which seemed requisite to sustain them in their usurped authority, a lease was executed either by the town Council or a member of that omnipotent body, to a man whose subsequent conduct has clearly evinced an entire subserviency to their views and who boasts of the indemnity promised him by the Town Council for all consequences resulting from his illegal acts in endeavoring to withhold the possession of the property in dispute, by force and violence. As it respects the hue and cry of persecution about which this writer so pathetically complains, if it at all exists, having the Town Council for its object, it must be only in the disturbed imagination of this chivalrous veteran who has stepped forth as the champion of citizens’ rights and the main pillar of their tottering liberties. In thus submitting to the public this impartial statement of facts, I wish distinctly to be understood that I disclaim the intention imputed to me, of making an appeal to their feelings, or any wish or expectation of enlisting their prejudices in our favor. We are only anxious for the dissemination of truth and to check the current of misrepresentation and falsehood that now prevails with respect to the grounds of the present controversy. The property in dispute is of little value and would cheerfully at one time have been surrendered to the Town Council upon receiving an indemnity for actual expences incurred. In the final result of the judicial investigation that is about to be made, our respective claims will be discussed and should we survive the impending storm, a final decision, founded on the immutable principles of law and justice, will satisfy an enlightened community that in this unequal contest we are only struggling in support of our legitimate rights.
B. Willard.
April 20th, 1820.

American Friend, October 27, 1820:
Look Out!
A stranger called on me on Tuesday morning last for employment and deposited in my hands a bundle containing a man’s Frock Coat; a Bed-Quilt; a Silk Shawl; five and a quarter yards of Kerseymere; a Table-Cloth; one pair of Stockings, and one Neck-Handkerchief. From the circumstance of his having absconded on the night following, and a horse being missing from a stable in town, it is supposed the horse is stolen by him and that the articles deposited with me have also been stolen. If any person or persons have lost such articles they are requested to call on the subscriber and prove their property.
Miles McDonald.
Marietta, October 25th, 1820.

American Friend, December 8, 1820:
Robbery – On Sunday night last the house of Mr. Billy Todd was entered, by one or more villains, and two Watches, hanging in the room, were taken off. An attempt having been made to force open a cupboard door, induces a belief that some person acquainted with the house, and who knew where a sum of money was deposited, had visited it for the purpose of obtaining it – he did not succeed, and decamped with the watches only.

American Friend, February 16, 1821:
Agreeably to the rule we have established, we are obliged to expose the name of Andrew F. Wolf, late of Fearing township, who has absconded, considerably in arrears for this paper – Printers, and others, are requested to notice this and beware of him. As the bounty on wolf-scalps is now taken off, he may possibly escape a great length of time unless those person immediately concerned keep a sharp look out.

American Friend, June 22, 1821:
An Impostor.
The public are hereby cautioned against a certain itinerant beggar, who pretends at times to be deaf & dumb; he sometimes goes by the name of Samuel Davis, but his real name is James Gauff. He is about 19 or 20 years of age, light complexion, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, and rather slender made.
Belpre, June 12th, 1821.

American Friend, August 10, 1821:
Stop the Horsethief.
Ranaway from the subscriber on Saturday 14th inst. near Ripley, John Treat Deming, About thirty-five years of age, about six feet high, light complexion, blue eyes, long visage, one tooth stands inside the natural row on the upper jaw, and straight built. He had on a blue cotton surtout, linen overalls, and a smooth castor hat.
Since he made his escape he has changed his name.
The above Deming stole a horse about one year ago, and the subscribers had caught him and were bringing him to condign punishment when the rascal made his escape.
A reward of Twenty-Five Dollars will be paid to any person who will apprehend said Thief, and give such information as will enable the subscribers to get him, by placing him in the nearest jail.
A letter directed to the Post Office at Point Harmar, Washington County Ohio will be received.
John Smith,
Robert Campbell.
July 17, 1821.

American Friend, November 2, 1821:
Robbery – The store of Joseph Holden, Esq. of this town, was entered on the night of the 26th instant, by one or more villains, and goods, &c. to a large amount, consisting of broad-cloths, cambric muslins, silks, a quantity of shoes, notes of hand and other papers of considerable value, together with bonds, receipts, &c. belonging to the Treasurer’s Office of the county of Washington, and about 70 or 80 dollars in money were taken there from.
A reward of one hundred dollars had been offered for the thief and property or a proportion thereof for any part of the property that might be restored.
In the course of the next day a part of the goods, papers, and two half boxes of raisins were found secreted in the vicinity of the store. The shoes and some other article have not yet been found.

American Friend, February 1, 1822:
$13 Reward!
Stop Thief!
On the night of the 24th instant my Store, near the Market-House, was broken open, by a thief or thieves, and my money, together with the drawer containing it, were taken away. Any person who will apprehend the villain, restore the money and secure the thief, so that he may be convicted and receive his merited punishment, shall receive the above reward.
Nathaniel Dodge.
January 20th, 1822.

American Friend, March 22, 1822:
Mr. Prentiss – I have sent you, for publication, the observations below, in hope that if any law exists against the conduct of the persons complained of, it may call forth the exertions of those who are the conservators of the peace to bring the offenders to justice; surely if no law reaches such conduct, it is high time that one should be passed on the subject. It is therefore hoped that the Town Council will insert an article in their warrant, warning the annual town meeting, to take the subject into consideration – and that the citizens, in town meeting, may enact a law to prevent in future practices so disgraceful.
Why are things thus?
An evil has for some months prevailed in the town of Marietta. At the occurrence of a wedding there is as much noise in firing big guns, beating drums, &c. as if two contending armies in battle array, had commenced the work of death and desolation, and this noise and confusion is kept up till a late hour of the night, sometimes 12 o’clock, marring the happiness of the married pair and their guests, and disturbing the peace of the citizens generally. I am at a loss to guess the origin of this growing evil, and am of opinion that some measures ought to be taken to suppress it.
A Citizen.

American Friend, May 31, 1822:
Those persons who have been in the habit of plundering tan-bark, Timber, Wood, &c. off the 160 acre lot, No. 57, near White’s mills, are requested to desist; otherwise they may find themselves unpleasantly situated.
I will cheerfully compensate any person who will give me such information as to enable me to identify those who may hereafter trespass on said land.
Benj. P. Putnam.
May 28, 1822

American Friend, March 29, 1823:
All persons are hereby cautioned not to receive a note of hand, drawn in favor of James Henderson, living in Ohio, and signed by the subscriber, amounting to two hundred dollars, payable the 15th day of April next, as I am determined not to pay the same unless compelled by law.
Frederick Coon.
March 17th, 1823.

American Friend, May 1, 1823:
Is hereby given, to those persons who broke into my cellar on Saturday night the 26th instant, and took therefrom, a quantity of Pork, beef, and Potatoes; that if they wish to avoid being publickly exposed, by being arraigned before a Court of Justice, they may come and settle with me, within ten days from this date; otherwise they may expect to be immediately arrested – as sufficient proof can be had against them.
James Bliss.
April 26, 1823.

American Friend, December 4, 1823:
To the Public.
As it respects a false and slanderous report, either raised in the township of Salem, Fearing, or Union, in the county of Washington, charging Martha Noble of being guilty of murdering a woman, many years ago, between Duck creek and the Muskingum river, in the township of Fearing aforesaid. And as it respects the said charge, we the subscribers, inhabitants of the counties of Washington and Morgan, have lived near neighbors, and many of us very intimately acquainted with the said Martha Noble ever since she landed in the territory, before it became a state. And as it respects the woman said to have been murdered – there never was any woman come to the state with her, nor lived about her house, while living in that settlement. And concerning the character of the said Mrs. Noble, we do vouch for her, that she has ever lived a quiet, honest, and industrious person, supporting a character without spot, and blameless; honored and beloved by all her acquaintance; a friend to the poor, and a mother to the motherless. And as it respects the said charge, it has been raised by some false, malicious, lying person unknown, without any grounds or foundation for the same whatever.
Signed John McKee, Martha McKee, Robert McKee, Robert Caldwell, Jane Caldwell, Christian Hale, Elisha Allen, J. Chapman, James Dutton jr., James Dutton, John Noble.
N.B. If there is any person that can give me information of the person that raised the said report, they will confer a favor on me by letting me know.
Martha Noble.
Noble township, Morgan county,
November 21st, 1823.

American Friend, & Marietta Gazette, May 6, 1824:
An Absconder!
The subscribers have been authorized by his creditors, to caution the public against trusting or employing a person calling himself Seth Lothrop;
By profession, a Cabinet Maker, who absconded from Waterford, Washington county, Ohio, about the 1st day of April inst. leaving his creditors unpaid. The said Lothrop is about 5 feet 9 inches in height, dark brown hair, blue eyes, rather round shouldered, and about 30 years of age. He has a habit of winking quite fast, especially when tolerably well corned, or, as he would term it, rather blue; a situation in which he is not unfrequently found. Work and he are not the best friends in the world; and he has a strong disposition to get in debt, without the wish to get out. He took with him several articles of borrowed clothing, and among the rest an old brown surtout; which it is presumed, he will continue to wear, as his wardrobe was rather scanty. The amount of cash he took with him, is supposed not to exceed one dollar, which was likewise borrowed; it is therefore presumed he cannot be far from the Ohio river. This running away has been so often repeated, as to have become a habit, and the good people of Ohio would do well to be upon their guard. It may be well said of him, that he
“ – Run so long, and run so fast,
“No wonder he run out at last,
“He run in debt, and then to pay,
“He distanced all, and run away.”
George Bowen,
Ebenezer Bowen,
Anselm T. Nye,
James Leget,
Joseph Chambers.
Waterford, April 26, 1824.
***Printers in the Western country are requested to insert the above in their papers, for the public good.

American Friend, & Marietta Gazette, June 24, 1824:
Notice, is hereby given, that Joel Cowdery, Jun. holds a Note of hand against me for eighty gallons of Whiskey, dated the first day of May, 1824, payable the first day of January 1825, which was obtained by fraud. All persons are therefore forewarned not to purchase the said note, as I am determined not to pay it.
Harry Branch.
June 14, 1824.

American Friend, & Marietta Gazette, January 7, 1825:
Most Scandalous.
Office of the Commissioner of Insolvents
January 1st 1825.
This day Benjamin Shaw an old Revolutionary soldier, who fought at the battle of Lexington, and in many other battles of the American Revolution – Made application to me for the benefit of a law passed for the relief of Insolvent Debtors – In order to exonerate him from the payment of $10, the only debt he owed on earth, and that of more than twenty years standing. Notice is therefore hereby given to the very humane creditor of this old Patriot – Mr. B***n that you be and appear before the next court of Common Pleas, holden in and for the county of Washington and show cause if any you can, (if you can have the face to do so) why the prayer of this Petitioner should not be granted.
Fayette Sherman,
Commissioner of Insolvents.

American Friend, & Marietta Gazette, January 21, 1825:
To the Editors of the Marietta Gazette.
Gentlemen – Through the medium of your paper, I received a summons to appear before the court of common pleas by order of Fayette Sherman, commissioner of insolvents. Considering the nature of the order, and the statement made therein, I deem it necessary to give the public a fair account of the whole matter between Mr. Shaw, (the man whom it is represented I have scandalously abused) and myself.
More than twenty years ago, I gave to Mr. Peter Shaw, a note for six or seven dollars. Some time after, I bought a note of Mr. Cutler against Mr. Benjamin Shaw, which called for four dollars sixty two and a half cents. At the time, I asked Mr. Benjamin Shaw whether, if I took the note of Mr. Cutler, he would turn it to his father. He said he did not know, but would ask his father. I went with him into his father’s room – made the proposition, and the old gentleman’s answer was in the affirmative. He said it was as well to pay it to Benjamin as to himself.
Twenty years ago last Autumn, I sold Mr. Benjamin Shaw a grass sythe, at two dollars price; which, also he agreed should go towards paying the above note to his father; and now we considered matters about even between us. A number of years after this, Mr. Benjamin Dana informed me that he had a note which I had given Mr. Peter Shaw who wished him to collect it. I told him I had paid it to Benjamin according to his father’s directions. I went to see the old gentleman and asked him if he did not remember agreeing to let me pay the debt to his son. He said he did very well, but told me that his circumstances had changed very much – that he had done living with his son who “was a poor pay-master, and would never pay him any thing.” I considered the old man’s age and weakness, and soon after paid his whole demand. I then called on Mr. Benjamin Shaw for the note which I held against him, and for the sythe. He informed me that he was then unable to satisfy my demand, but promised if I would wait, to pay it honourably. I frequently called on him afterwards, when he always renewed his promises. The last time I ever saw him was at Marietta, where he made many excuses for his want of punctuality, said what he owed me was his only debt; and declared I should be speedily and honourably paid.
After several years I went to see Mr. Shaw, but he had gone to Leading Creek. Some time last spring my son, John Brown, having business in the neighborhood of Mr. Shaw, I sent by him to renew my claim on Mr. S. by telling him that I, being anxious to settle my affairs, wished him to make payment on the note due me: telling him at the same time that if he was dissatisfied with paying a debt of so long standing, I would take a part of it, and that in produce, if he could not conveniently get the money; or that if he could not pay part of it, I wished him to renew the note. Had he done this, it might have lain twenty years more, it being a rule of mine, never to sue for a debt until the delinquent refuses to pay, and here it may not be improper to state that for twenty-eight or thirty years, I have not prosecuted a man in a civil case except the present.
Some time last summer I sent my son John to Mr. Shaw with directions to let him know if he would not settle with me, I would certainly prosecute him. Accordingly, on his refusal I made suit against him before Esq. Nye, for the note only; not being able to furnish evidence of his having the scythe, for which I never received any thing. On the day of trial Mr. Shaw did not appear, but his son Boylston came in his stead, and stated that they had paid the debt many years ago to Mr. Cutler who had promised to give them up the note.
Samuel Brown.
Warren, January 12th, 1825.

American Friend, & Marietta Gazette, September 9, 1825:
I do hereby caution all persons from purchasing a note given by me the subscriber to Samuel Mills, dated 12th of January last, payable on 15th of October 1825 for the sum of Forty Dollars, as said note was obtained fraudulently I am determined not to pay it.
Jacob Offe.
August 19, 1825.

American Friend, & Marietta Gazette, September 9, 1825:
Look Out!!
Strayed, or rather runaway from this town, on Tuesday the 30th ult, a man who calls himself Samuel Mohler.
It is feared, however, that he has altered his name. He says he was born in Rockingham county, Va, was once enlisted and acted on board a vessel of war, from whence he deserted – says he is last from North Carolina. He is about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high – calls himself 28 years of age – has a stoppage in his speech – works at the wagon making business, and was considerably in debt when he left this place. There is no doubt but he is a base imposing knave. Where he may chance to stop, he will (judging from his practice here) profess to become a religious convert, and offer himself for membership to some religious church. He appears anxious to marry, and on the first interview he has with a female, he makes proposals of marriage, but generally gets the “bag to hold with both ends open.”
A Creditor.
Lancaster, Sept. 1, 1825.

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