Tuesday, May 26, 2009

An Old Block House Demolished

Marietta Intelligencer, February 14, 1850

The property of Mr. John J. Preston, near the mouth of the Muskingum, has been bought, by the Marietta Woolen Factory Company, for building purposes, and Mr. P. is now removing his old dwelling. The southerly wing of the building was an old “Block House,” built in 1789. It was the first built on “the point” – all those erected in 1788 having been built on the “stockade.” Men are now living here, who used to sleep in this old “block house” during the Indian war. A large part of “the Point” was then covered with a dense forest. The timbers of the old block are most of them as sound as when first put together. Most of them are poplar, but now and then we notice a stick of ash, oak and beach. Is not this the last of the “block houses” that has stood entire, in Marietta, for more than 60 years?

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