Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Our Fort

The Home News, November 30, 1861

The last Parkersburg Gazette pays its respects to our defenses as follows:

Marietta – Passing up to Marietta on Thursday on the Woodside, the regular Wheeling packet, we were astonished to be called to by a cannon fired from the shore about two miles this side of Marietta, when an officer came on board, made an examination and gave the boat the privilege to pass on. There is a cannon on the hill above loaded with ball, and day and night a hundred men are guarding the point. This is not only absurd and useless, but wicked. It obstructs commerce, annoys and offends boatmen, alarms the timid passengers, drives trade from the river, and exercises great influence in encouraging traitors here in Va. They say, even Marietta is afraid of us, and are encouraged by that fact to attack smaller and more exposed places. It is earnestly to be hoped that this idle guard will be at once removed.

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