Friday, July 24, 2009

Council Proceedings

The Home News, June 4, 1859

At the meeting of the City Council, held May 24, resolutions were adopted continuing Councilman Needham as committee on draining lots in square 68, and authorizing him to ascertain the amount of private subscriptions which can be obtained from property owners on that square toward making a sewer to the river – instructing the Street Superintendent to use the rubbish in the burnt district for repairing the adjoining streets and the public landing – empowering Messrs. Hovey and Curtis to have the brakes on the “Conqueror” fire engine altered if necessary, and to inquire the price, kind and quantity of hose needed for the “Defiance” – authorizing Councilman Nye to procure a suitable carriage for hooks and ladders and a convenient place to keep them in – authorizing Fire Warden John Snyder to examine flues, chimneys and stove pipes in the first ward and require them to be made safe; James Dunn to do the same in the second and third wards – and authorizing the appointment of a committee to procure caps and badges for the members of Defiance Fire Company if thought expedient.

The Surveyor’s estimate of the expense of cutting and filling Wooster street, amounting to $2100, was referred to Councilman Hovey. The list of special watchmen appointed by the Mayor to guard the goods on the night of the fire, was referred to Councilman Buell, to report such as are entitled to pay, and issue orders accordingly.

A proposition from the wharf-master to have a float made to be used for unloading coal, was referred to Councilmen Hovey and Needham.

The Council met again of Tuesday evening, and passed an ordinance vacating a portion of the alley through square 67, and another prohibiting the erection of wooden buildings on squares 59 and 60. Also, resolutions accepting the donation of a certain piece of land in square 67 from J. W. Stanley – levying taxes for 1859 – directing the city surveyor to estimate the amount of cutting and filling on Fourth street, between Putnam and Washington. A proposition from N. Ward to sell a tomb erected by him to the city for $125, was referred to Councilmen Cotton and Hovey. Supervisor Maloy was directed to work on Putnam street, between Fifth and Seventh, and to purchase a plow at the City’s expense. The graveyard fence is to be whitewashed and the sidewalk in front of it paved. The Councilmen of the 1st Ward were appointed a committee of instruction as to any work to be done to the landing in front of John Marshall’s property by the Street Supt. The following bills were passed:
J. M. Hook, Sup’t Streets, $54.02
E. W. T. Clark, $10.00
L. K. Dutton, $3.26
Skinner, Rolston & Co., $4.13
M. J. Morse, $2.50
A. L. Haskin, $1.50
T. L. Andrews, $16.00
A. J. Campbell, $9.50
Wm. Lorey, $2.00
Joseph Geren, $0.60
J. D. Cotton, $1.00

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