Friday, July 24, 2009

Public Schools

The Home News, June 24, 1859

The Union Schools of this city close for the summer vacation of nine weeks, with the “Commencement” at the High School this afternoon and evening. The following is the order of exercises:

Salutatory – Harriet E. Pixler.
Essay – Uncultivated Fenius – Frances Dibble.
Essay – Beauty, Rank and Wealth as Passports in Society – Eunice E. Anderson.
Oration – Independence Day – W. W. Fuller.
Essay – Early Neglect of Mental Training – Kate R. Booth.
Essay – Color as an Element of Beauty – Sarah A. Booth.
Essay – Meditation – Lizzie A. McCarty.
Essay – Natural and Revealed Religion – Harriet Dye.
Essay – Instability of Royalty – Bell Storrs.
Essay – Foot-prints of the Creator – Susan Racer.
Essay – Dignity of Virtue amid Corrupt Examples – Harriet E. Pixler.
Oration – Public Opinion – Wm. L. Porterfield.
Essay – Esthetic Culture – Eliza F. Racer.
Essay – Failure not the Law of Human Institutions – N. J. Porterfield.

Evening Exercises:
Report of Principal of High School.
Valedictory – N. J. Porterfield.
Conferring Diplomas.

We learn that the number of children in the city between the ages of six and twenty-one, is about 1,425. The entire number of scholars enrolled in all the schools during the school year just closing, has been 1,099. The average number belonging to the schools has been 695. The average daily attendance 598. The per cent of daily attendance, 86.

The following scholars deserve favorable notice for not having been absent a single half day throughout the year: At the High school, Andrew Montgomery; at the schools on Washington Street, Lizzie Dutton and Albert H. Slocomb; at the Greene Street Primary school, Kate Smith; at the Fourth Street Secondary, Mary Boyd, Ellen Gray and Sarah Green; at the Fourth Street Primary, Daniel Green, Ed. M. Slocomb and Martha E. Slocomb. That school whose percentage of attendance during the year has been the best, is the Fourth Street Secondary, taught two terms by Mary E. Woodruff, and one by Henrietta Medlicott.

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