Monday, August 17, 2009

Wood's Tavern, Point Harmar

Western Spectator, May 12, 1812

The Subscriber respectfully acquaints his friends and the public in general that he has taken that large and commodious stand formerly occupied by Mr. Mixer & lately by Mr. Wells, on the west side of the Muskingum where he has prepared himself to entertain travellers and others in a genteel and comfortable manner. He has been at considerable expence in furnishing his house with every article necessary in his line, and will pay the most unremitted attention to those who think proper to call on him. His stable is well stocked with the best of hay, oats and corn, and will be strictly and faithfully attended. His price will be such as cannot fail to render general satisfaction.

Ansel Wood.
Marietta, March 23, 1812

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