Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fourth Street Presbyterian Church in Marietta

Marietta Register, March 18, 1869

Preliminary History.

This church was formed by a colony from the Congregational Church.  The first meeting to promote the object was held at a private house July 3, 1865, at which there were thirteen persons present.  The first step they took was to invite the Rev. H. W. Ballantine to be minister of the church, and next to appoint a committee to secure a place for meetings.

Accordingly Mr. Ballantine came and commenced his labors, July 30th, following, in the Baptist School House on Washington Street, the use of which, Sabbath mornings, was generously given by the Baptist Church until the present Presbyterian church edifice was ready for occupation.  The Sunday afternoon service, as also the Sunday School and the evening meetings were held in the German Lutheran Church, corner of Fourth and Scammel Streets, which was rented for the purpose.


The organization of the church was completed Sunday afternoon, August 27, 1865, by the enrollment of 53 members, and the election and ordaining of Silas Slocomb and Sala Bosworth, as Ruling Elders.  Forty-six of the enrolled members were from the Congregational Church, and the remaining seven from various other churches.  The organization was conducted by Rev. Prof. E. B. Andrews, of Marietta College, and the Rev. Chas. D. Curtis, then of Belpre, now president of Farmers' College, in connection with the Rev. Mr. Ballantine.

Original Members.

Silas Slocomb
S. S. Porter
Euretta S. Porter
Sala Bosworth
M. Frances Bosworth
Mrs. J. H. Shipman
H. B. Shipman
Jennie Shipman
Geo. H. Eells
Letitia Eells
Stephen Newton
Sarah A. Newton
Chas. H. Newton
Mary H. Newton
Maria B. Shipman
Anna M. Dana
J. D. Cotton
Ann S. Cotton
Ella M. Cotton
Sarah C. Dawes
Lucy Dawes
Mary B. Dawes
Eliza A. Tenney
Geo. C. Tenney
John Tenney
Mrs. L. E. Currier
Chas. P. Currier
John M. Slocomb
Julina Slocomb
Theodore F. Hall
Evelyn Hall
C. F. Andrews
Mary M. Stewart
Marian A. Stewart
William Shaw
Eliza Shaw
Charlotte E. Shaw
Sophia L. Paxton
Ann M. Porterfield
Benj. F. Stone
Julia F. S. Orr
Lucy Chapman
D. P. Pratt
Chas. Little
C. W. Anderson
L. L. Ballantine
J. J. Preston
Frances F. Plumer
M. F. Hay
Thos. Mitchell
Sarah Mitchell
Naomi A. Tenney

House of Worship.

The Church almost immediately began the building of a house of worship, laying the foundation in September, and occupying the house for public worship January 14th following.  The dedication services took place Sabbath, Jan. 28, 1866.  The building and lot cost about $9000; plans drawn and work superintended by John M. Slocomb, late of this place.

Other Matters.

The trustees of the Church from the beginning have been:  Silas Slocomb, Stephen Newton, Dr. J. D. Cotton, Geo. H. Eells and Gen. R. R. Dawes - and Dr. H. B. Shipman has been Treasurer.

Mr. Ballantine was duly installed as Pastor of the Church, by the Presbytery of Athens, in connection with the U.S. General Assembly, on Sunday, Apr. 15, 1866, and on the same day Luther Edgerton and Prof. Samuel Maxwell, having been previously elected, were inducted into the office of Ruling Elder.

On Sunday, Nov. 8, 1868, Prof. Maxwell having died some time before, Stephen Newton, Dr. H. B. Shipman and Cornelius P. Tinkham were ordained to the Eldership.

The present Session of the church therefore consists of the Rev. H. W. Ballantine, Pastor, and Elders, Silas Slocomb, Sala Bosworth, Luther Edgerton, Stephen Newton, H. B. Shipman and Cornelius P. Tinkham.


Three out of the four years since the organization of the church have been marked by religious interest, but not so general a revival has been enjoyed as during the two past months of the present year.  The fruits of this have not yet been gathered in so as to appear on the records, but 38 have thus far been examined and approved by the Session for admission at the coming communion.  It is expected that several more will be added to this number before that time.


William Shaw, Oct. 10, 1865 - 90 years.
Mary A. Anderson, Aug. 25, 1866 - 30 years.
Ellen Shaw, Sept. 21, 1866 - 82 years.
Joseph C. Huber, Dec. 10, 1866 - 30 years.
Samuel Maxwell, Jan. 21, 1867 - 62 years.
Frances P. Plumer, March 12, 1868 - 72 years.
Maria B. Shipman, July 15, 1868 - 42 years.


Whole No. members - 145
Dismissed to other churches - 40
Died - 7
Present No. members - 98
Accepted for admission - 38

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