Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Death of Joseph Buell

Western Spectator, June 20, 1812

Died in this town on Saturday the 13th inst. after a short illness Major General Joseph Buell, a native of Killingworth, (Con.), aged 49, and one of the first settlers of this place. His remains were interred the Sunday following with masonic honors, attended by the largest concourse of people ever witnessed in this place on a similar occasion – a testimony of respect to the ashes of one, whom while living they had appointed to stations of high responsibility. Gen. Buell had successively held the offices of Senator in our Legislature, Judge of our court for common pleas, Trustee of the university of Ohio, and Major General of the militia – all which offices have been discharged with fidelity. In Gen. Buell the state has lost an active and enterprising citizen, the inhabitants of this place a charitable and obliging neighbor, and his afflicted family a tender husband and an affectionate father.

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