Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Directory - Marietta Businesses, 1890

Directory of the City of Marietta, Ohio, and the Town of Harmar.  1890.  Richardson Bros., Publisher.

Attorneys at Law
F.J. Cutter, 133 Putnam street.
Ellenwood & Smith (L. W. Ellenwood and A. L. Smith), 131 Putnam street.
Thos. Ewart, 208 Putnam st.
A. D. Follett, City Solicitor, 208 Putnam street.
M. D. Follett, 105 Putnam st.
B. E. Guyton, 208 Putnam st.
John A. Hamilton, 140 Putnam street.
R. E. Harte, 102 Putnam st.
S. J. Hathaway, 208 Putnm st.
S. S. Knowles, 140 Putnam st.
H. F. Kraft, 114 Putnam st.
W. B. Loomis, 102 Putnam st.
J. W. McCormick, County Attorney, 140 Putnam street.
D. S. Nye, 140 Putnam street.
Nye & Follett (R. L. Nye and A. D. Follett), 208 Putnam st.
David Okey, 104 Putnam st.
Jewett Palmer, 177 Putnam st.
J. D. Payne, 208 Putnam st.
C. W. Richards, 114 Putnam st.
J. H. Riley, 122 Putnam street.
Chas. Richardson, mayor, City Hall.
R. K. Shaw, cor. 6th & Putnam streets.
Way & O’Key (W. G. Way and David O’Key), 204 Putnam st.

L. C. Brown, 138 Front street.
Citizens Bakery (J. B. Hovey & Co.), 138 Putnam street.
Meisenhelder & Smith, 182 Front street.
Jacob Pfaff, 112 Putnam street.

Conrad Baum, 127 Putnam st.
Davis & Giles (M. L. Davis and Daniel Giles), 132 Putnam st.
Fred Morgenstern, 121 Greene street.
Jacob Morgenstern, 129 Ohio st.
Jos. Pflug, 212 Front street.
Daniel Strawder, 114 Greene st.
J. W. Whiffing, 180 Front st.

Broom M’f’g’rs
Rittenhouse Bros., 630 3d street.

Boots and Shoes
Bickert Bros., 146 Front street.
P. C. Fischer, 246 Front street.
Jacob Gephart, 264 Front street.
Christ. Haag, 134 Front street.
Wm. Hoppmann,232 Front street.
James & Grimes (Chas. James and W. R. Grimes), 167 Front street.
Henry Kestermeier, Jr., 274 Front street.
Jacob Schimmel, 274 Front street.
John Wagner, 194 Front street.

Citizens National Bank, 129 Putnam street.
Dime Savings Society, 114 Front street.
First National Bank, 100 Front street.

Marietta Book Store, 177 Front street.
F. W. Morse, 189 Front street.

Blacksmiths, &c.
Miles P. Bartmess, Newport Pike.
Jas. M. Cross, Newport Pike.
Kauff & Son, 208 Church street.
Jacob Laner, 108 2d street.
Robt. Shiers, 117 2d street.
John Wagner, 614 Third street.
Stephen Weidner, 213 2d street.

Grub & Reidenbach, 109 Greene street.

Thos. Cisler, head of 7th street.
L. W. Phillips, corner 8th and Warren streets.
Zollar, Simon, cor. 2d and Montgomery streets.

Candy Manufacturer
P. S. Barrows, 220 Front street.

Carriage M’f’g.
Thos. C. Bay, 217 2d street.
J. W. Kelly, 133 2d street
A. J. Seipel, 127 2d street
Henry Schweitzer, 622 3d street.

Carriage Stuff
Marietta Spoke, Rim and Bending Works, cor. Front and Sacra Via.

Chinaware, etc.
Carrie Lehnhard, 119 Front st.
R. G. Putnam, 129 Front st.
Stanley & Co., 168 Front st.

Cigars & Tobacco
J. P. Davis, 214 Front st.
Patrick Highland, 104 Greene street.
Chas. Hutchins, 196 Front st.
E. F. Ennis, 100 Front st.
Peter Schlicher, Jr., 184 Front st.
J. L. Stephens, 280 Front st.

Clothing &c.
Geo. Blake, 174 Front st.
W. A. Sniffen, 173 Front st.
Sam’l. Sulbacher, 188 Front street.
S. R. Van Metre & Co., 163 Front street.

John Davis, 4th & Hart st.
Duffy & Co., 296 Front st.
Federal Valley Coal Co., 140 Putnam street.
Ohio Coal Co., 3d & Butler st.

Jacob Conrath, 109 Newport Pike.

C. S. Connor, 167 Front street.
Hart & Hart (S. M. Hart and W. M. Hart), 208 Front street.
W. M. Henry, 140 Putnam st.
J. M. Chambers, 307 2d street.

Drugs, Medicines, &c.
W. H. Buell & Co., 128 Front st.
Corner Drug Store, Cor. Front & Putnam streets.
R. L. Curtis, 109 Front st.
Putnam Street Pharmacy, Putnam street.
A. J. Richards, 127 Greene street.
Wm. H. Styer, 240 Front street.

Dry Goods, &c.
Butler & Van Dervoort, 156 [sic]
Peter Kunz, Jr., 164 Front st.
Charles Jones & Son (C. & T. H.), 172 Front street.
Otto Bros., 286 Front street.
S. R. Turner & Co.,165 Front street.

Eggs, etc.
S. B. Kirby & Co., Harmar.
Frank Panhorst, 123 Putnam street.

Furniture, &c.
Louis Goebel, 204 Front street.
Stanley & Grass, 166 Front street.
Wieser & Reynolds, 290 Front street.

Grocers (Retail)
Wm. Blohm, 128 Putnam street.
F. R. Brenan, 142 Putnam st.
J. J. Brenan, 117 Greene st.
W. A. Brenan, 218 Front st.
E. G. Brigham, 136 Putnam st.
Geo. Bachman, 118 s. 2d st.
G. C. Best, 107 and 109 Ohio street and 108 and 110 Greene street.
Albert Brown, 104 Front st.
Henry Albrecht, 412 3d st.
Atlantic Tea Co., 179 Front street.
Catherine Claus, 310 6th street.
Amelia Ermlich, 731 Front st.
Wm. H. Etter, 141 Front st.
Gates & Payne, 111 Front st.
Mrs. A. M. Creighbaum, 333 Greene street.
S. E. Garrison, 510 Charles st.
J. Gorrell & Son, 412 Washington street.
J. C. Holdren, 636 3d street.
Wm. H. Jett, 735 Greene st.
Daniel Kauf, 229 Greene street.
G. W. Kennedy, 528 4th street.
Anna Neuberger, 424 2d street.
Joachim Otto, 214 s 6th street.
Charles Pape, 123 Greene street.
Wm. P. Racer, 705 s 7th street.
Margaret Rudig, 529 6th street.
Peter Schlicher, 719 3d street.
James Lane, Newport pike.
Phillip Theis, cor. 5th & Warren streets.
August Weber, 3d & Scammel streets.
J. F. Wehrs & Son, 292 Front st.
G. E. Wellbrook, cor. 6th & Putnam streets.
W. T. Westgate, 131 Green street.
Louis Weyrich, 611 6th st.
Alla Winsor, 325 Green street.
Winsor & Wenzel, 2d & Greene streets.
Zollar Bros., 233 Greene street.
Jos. D. Zollar, 128 Greene.

Grocers (Wholesale)
Bosworth, Wells & Co.,157 Front street.
M. Wendelken & Co., 119 Putnam street.

Hardware, etc.
Kropp & Raschen, 105 Putnam street.
Nye Hardware Co., 108 Front st.
Rodick Bros., 158 Front st.
J. Seyler & Bro., 236 Front street.
H. P. Theis, 124 Front st.

Harness, &c.
Josiah Coulter, 121 Front st.
F. H. Ebinger, 186 Front st.

Fred. Blume, 133 Putnam st.
Stephen Newton, 137 Front st.
Chas. H. Newton, 114 Front st.
Roeser & Sturgiss (Henry Roeser & J. W. Sturgiss), 185 Front street.

Jewelry &c.
D. B. Anderson, 197 Front street.
John E. Leonhart, 228 Front street.
M. T. Peddinghaus, 191 Front street.
Chas. E. Tresch, 262 Front street.
Jacob Wittlig, 208 Front st.

Express Cos.
Adams Express Co., 168 Front street.
American Express Co., 149 Front street.
United States Express Co., cor. Front and Butler streets.

Lumber, &c.
L. W. Wells & Co., 296 Front st.

Railroad Lumber
Irish & Warner, 102 Front st.
R. R. Dawes, Wells Block, 161 Front street.

Livery Stables
Brown & Mugrage, 110 2d street.
Dye Bros.(Marcellus and W. P.), 113 Greene street.
C. E. Pape, 219 Greene street.
J. L. Reckard, cor. Church & 3d streets.

Marietta Steam Laundry (W. D. Rock, prop’r.), Ohio st. bet. Front & Post streets.
Louis Tung, Chinese Laundry, 278 Front street.

Bradford House, cor. Ohio & Post streets.
National House, cor. Greene & Second streets.
St. Cloud Hotel, 195-192 Front street.
Pillsbury’s Hotel, 252-254 Front street.
St. James Hotel, 102-104 Butler street.

Musical Instruments
G. L. Spence, 193 Front street.
C. R. Stevens, 120 Putnam st.

Meat Markets
Wm. Blohm, 128 Putnam st.
Herman Jahn, 284 Front st.
Chas. Pape, 123 Greene st.
Frank Weber, fresh & salt meats, 122 Front st.
G. J. Wylie, 104 Putnam st.
Andy Kerps, 710 Front st.

Lina Campbell, 139 Front st.
Mrs. C. Greenway, 276 Front st.
Henning, 152 Front st.
Miss O. S. Lyne, 174 Front st.
Mrs. E. W. Nixon, 153 Front st.

Marietta Leader (semi-weekly), 208 Front st.
Marietta Register (tri-weekly & weekly), 177 Front st.
Marietta Times (weekly), 132 Front st.
Marietta Zeitung (German weekly), 115 Front st.

News Depot
F. W. Morse, 189 Front st.

Oils (Refined and Crude), Oil Wells, etc.
Argand Refining Co., 112 Front street.
R. F. Borckinan, 142 Front st.
Globe Oil Co., Geo. Rice, President, Fultonburg.
W. L. Greenhill & Co., Newport Pike.
O. M. Lovell, Ohio and Greene streets.
Macksburg Pipe Line Co., 102 Front street.
Marietta Oil Works, 426 5th st.
Oil Well Supply Co., 175 Front street.

H. N. Curtis, 314 2d street.
Helen E. Curtis, 314 2d street.
J. D. Cotton, 126 Front street.
B. F. Hart, 310 Front street.
Hart & McClure (Samuel and James), cor. Front and Putnam streets.
Geo. D. Hildreth, 213 Putnam street.
F. E. McKim, 323 2d street.
J. D. Mulhane, 502 Charles st.
Jno. Skivington, 167 Front st.
C. H. Smith, 151 Front street.
Adolph Stossmeister, 414 Washington street.
Z. D. Walters, 314 2d street.
L. E. Warren, corner 4th and Greene streets.
Willis & Morrison ( O. M. and E. B.), 116 Putnam street.

Marble Works
Meisenhelder & McLaren, 134 Putnam street.

D. P. Adams Co., 121 Putnam street.
Marietta Plumbing Co., 256 Front street.
Poole & Co., 129 Putnam street.

Printers & Publishers
E. R. Alderman & Sons, 177 Front street.
Leader Pub. Co., 208 Front st.
S. M. McMillen, 132 Front st.
J. Mueller & Son, 115 Front st.
R. W. Richardson, 294 Front st.

H. W. Craig, 270-272 Front st.
Brown & King, 202 Front st.

Real Estate, Loans, &c.
Guyton & Swift (B. E. Guyton, F. S. Swift), real estate bought & sold, and loans negotiated at lowest rates.
J. A. Plumer, 122 Putnam st.
J. P. Ward, 208 Putnam st.

Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern R. R., ticket office, cor. Front & Butler st.
Cleveland & Marietta R. R., office cor. 2nd & Butler st.
T. & O. Central Extension R. R., ticket office cor. Front & Butler, General office 140 Putnam st.
Zanesville & Ohio River R. R., ticket office, cor. Front & Butler, depot, Harmar.

Saloons, etc.
Geo. Bachman, 118 s 2nd st.
J. A. Campbell, Bradford House.
P. J. Donnelly, 118 Front st.
John Fulkerson, 294 Front st.
Peter Grub, 111 Greene st.
Wm. H. Henning, 226 Front st.
Jno. M. Heiner, 282 Front st.
Catherine Lorentz. 106 Front st.
Christ. Pfaff, 242 Front street.
J. N. Pickart, cor. 2d and Ohio streets.
Wm. Rapp, 181 Front street.
Michael Schafer, 103 Putnam street.
Peter Schlicher, 719 3d street.
Jacob Schultheis, 248 Front st.
Jas. Steen, Ohio street.
Jos. Stock, 110 Putnam street.
Edgar Uhl, 117 Ohio street.
Louis Weyrich, 611 6th street.
Wm. Withum, 244 Front street.
W. H. Wolfram, 176 Front street.
B. F. Wood, 103 Greene street.
W. W. Wood, corner 2d and Greene streets.

Sewing Machines
Singer M’f’’g. Co., 268 Front st.
G. L. Spence, 197 Front street.
S. C. Wilhelm, 222 Front street.

Sign Painters
Arnold Bros., 114 Greene street.
S. C. Ruckman, 130 Putnam st.

Stove M’f’g.
A. T. Nye & Son, Muskingum street.
W. F. Robertson & Co., Harmar.

Hamilton & Heidrich, 144 Front st.
C. C. Ketter, 133 Front st.
A. S. Sayre, 137 Front st.
S. Sulzbacher, 188 Front st.
J. W. Van Metre, 161 Front st.
Jacob Becker, 230 Front st.
J. G. Kremer, 266 Front st.
J. G. Pfeiffer, 216 Front st.

Weiser & Reynolds, 290 Front st.
Fuller & Son, 115 Greene st.
W. H. Eggleston, 119 Greene st.

Wines & Liquors (Wholesale)
Morris S. Luchs, 130 Front st.

Brown’s Auction House, 154 Front st.
Ninety-Nine Cent Store, C. W. Clogston & Co, 129 Greene st.
Meister’s Tannery, Fultonburg.
Meusers Tannery, 1__ 2d street.
Phoenix Mill Co., approach to railroad bridge.
Straus, Elston & Co., millers, 523 Front street.
Marietta Chair Co., furniture manufacturers, cor. 6th & Putnam street.
Marietta Spoke, Rim & Bending Works, cor. Second & Sacra Via.
Marietta Gas Works, cor. Greene & 5th streets.
Marietta College, Hon. John Eaton, prest., 4th, 5th & Putnam streets.

1 comment:

  1. My mother and I were looking through some family heirlooms and found a 1" x 1" little box that said 'C.E. Tresch Jeweler' 262 Front street on the top of it. We were wondering just how old it could, were we surprised to find it was a business in operation around 1890.
    Please write me at if you have anymore information on it. Thanks for posting this, Joy
