Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Directory - Marietta, Ohio, 1890 - C

Directory of the City of Marietta, Ohio, and the Town of Harmar. 1890. Richardson Bros., Publishers.

Mrs. E. J. Cade, widow, res. 711 Second street.
J. D. Cadwallader, res. 109 Putnam street.
Mrs. Julia Cain, widow, res. 306 Montgomery street.
Miss G. Calder, clerk, G. L. Spence, boards 324 Fourth street.
Wm. Calder, blacksmith, res. Foundry Alley.
Homer Cammel, bricklayer, res. 110 south Third street.
Albert Cammel, plasterer, res. 227 south Seventh street.
Dan. H. Cammel, printer, Register office, res. 227 south Seventh street.
Elias Cammel, res. 227 south Seventh street.
Frank Cammel, plasterer, res. 516 Second street
Hattie Campbell, res. 211 Greene street.
J. A. Campbell, saloon, Bradford House, res. 402 Greene street.
Lina Campbell, Millinery, 135 Front street, res. Harmar.
Lizzie Campbell, res. 211 Greene street.
Scott Campbell (colored), laborer, res. 204 south Sixth street.
S. M. Campbell, salesman, res. 211 Greene street.
Edward Cargel, cigarmaker, M. Wendleken & Co., res. 630 Seventh street.
Adam Carius, teamster, res. 710 Fifth street.
Chas. Carius, laborer, chair factory, res. 710 Fifth street.
Edward Carius, teamster, Union Brewery, res. 710 Fifth street.
Mary Carius, widow, res. 710 Fifth street.
Jesse Carmichael, res. 131 Second street.
Kate Carmichael, res. 131 Second street.
Mattie Carmichael, res. 131 Second street.
Nancy Carmichael, widow, res. 131 Second street.
Jos. Carpenter, laborer, res. 409 Hart street.
Thomas Carter (colored), brick-mason, res. 612 Second street.
Dan. Carver, laborer, Kelley’s Carriage Factory, res. Newport Pike.
Michael Casey, cutter, C. C. Ketter, boards St. Cloud Hotel.
Callie Castile, domestic, 315 Fourth street.
Agnes Cawley, clerk, Hutchison’s, res. 116 Fourth street.
Maggie Cawley, clerk, Atlantic Tea Co., res. 116 Fourth street.
Ella Cecil, res. 407 Seventh street.
Geo. Cecil, laborer, chair factory, res. 507 Seventh street.
Jas. Cecil, laborer, chair factory, res. 507 Seventh street.
Maggie Cecil, domestic, 614 Wooster street.
Central Theatre, Jno. B. Jenkins & Brother proprietors, 107 Greene street.
C. C. Chamberlain, chief clerk, post-office, res. 512 Sixth street.
Harry Chamberlain, book-keeper, Argand Refining Co., res. 512 Sixth street.
Helen E. Chamberlain, res. 512 Sixth street.
J. H. Chamberlain, Professor of Latin, Marietta College, res. 211 Fourth street
J. N. Chamberlain, steamboat engineer, res. 136 south Fourth street.
Mrs. L. Chamberlain, widow, res. 316 Front street.
L. W. Chamberlain, attorney at law, res. 512 Sixth street.
Thos. Chamberlain, engineer, 107 Sacra Via, res. 800 Front street.
J. M. Chambers, dentist, 307 Second street, res. same.
Harlow Chapin, Pres. Citizens National Bank, res. 435 Fifth street.
Adda T. Chapman, teacher Fourth street school, res. 237 Second street.
Mrs. C. Chapman, widow, res. 237 Second street.
Ella Chapman, widow, res. 426 Mulberry street.
Lina Chapman, domestic, 412 Second street.
O. D. Chapman, laborer, spoke and rim works, res. 335 Second street.
Lizzie Chase, widow, res. Post street.
Oreon Chatman, laborer, spoke and rim works, res. 800 Third street.
Albert Cherry, steamboatman, res. 219 Ohio street.
Wm. Cherry, res. 220 south Sixth street.
Silas Chesbro, shoemaker, res. 311 Fourth street.
Maggie Chlos, domestic, 408 Second street.
Eleda Cisler, res. head of Seventh street.
Geo. Cisler, res. 736 Fifth street.
Thos Cisler, brickmaker, res. head of Seventh street.
Citizens Bakery, J. B. Hovey, manager, 138 Putnam street.
The Citizens National Bank, Harlow Chapin, President, E. M. Booth, Cashier, 129 Putnam street.
I. Clark, boards 117 Front street.
Katie Clark, res. 515 Butler street.
Lucy Clark, res. 515 Butler street.
Peter B. Clark, clerk, W. A. Brenan, res. 515 Butler street.
W. C. Clark, clerk, S. R. Turner & Co., res. 515 Butler street.
Jno. T. Clasey, wagon maker, res. Wayne street.
Mrs. Kate Clause, Groceries, 310 sixth street, res. 312 Sixth street.
C. W. Clogston, C. W. Clogston & Co., res. Curtis Hill.
C. W. Clogston & Co., 99 cent store, res. 129 Greene street.
Frank Clogston, laborer, res. 122 south Fifth street.
Jno. Clogston, teamster, res. 812 Front street.
Jas. Clogston, laborer, res. 424 Sixth street.
Mat Clogston, teamster, res. 106 Montgomery street.
Myrtie M. Clogston, tailoress, Geo. Blake, res. 812 Front street.
Sadie Clogston, res. 505 Hart street.
Weston Clogston, teamster, res. 505 Hart street.
G. D. Close, res. 407 Sixth street.
Emma Close, widow, res. 418 Second street.
C. & M.R.R. office, corner Second and Butler streets.
Elliot Cochlan, carpenter, Smith & Foreman, res. 605 Warren street.
Mrs. N. J. Coen, widow, res. 426 Fifth street.
Alice Cole, res. 531 Fourth street.
C. F. Cole, D. P. Adams Plumbing Co., res. 531 Fourth street.
Mark Cole, steamboatman, res. 525 Fourth street.
Wm. Cole, watchman, steamer Elaine, res. 113 Seventh street.
Wm. Cole, res. 531 Fourth street.
Cora B. Coleman, res. 313 Fourth street.
F. S. Coleman, postal clerk, C. & MR.R., res. 313 Fourth street.
T. B. Coleman, farmer, res. 119 Fourth street.
F. M. Collins, laborer, chair factory, res. 516 Seventh street.
Wm. Collins, laborer, 204 south sixth street.
Martha Colville, seamstress, res. 628 Fourth street.
Mary Cone, res. 209 Washington street.
Jno. Congdon, laborer, spoke and rim works, res. 800 Fourth street.
Celia Congleton, domestic, 332 Front street.
C. S. Conner, dentist, 167 Front street, res. 508 Second street.
Friend Conner, student, res. 624 Fourth street.
Fannie Conner, clerk, County Treasurer, res. 624 Fourth street.
Peter Conner, laborer, res. Fultonburg.
Jos. J. Connor, County Treasurer, res. 624 Fourth street.
Wm. E. Conner, res. south Second street.
Rosa Conrad, domestic, 215 Washington street.
Christ. Conrath, cooper, res. Newport Pike.
Minnie Conrath, domestic, 218 Fourth street.
Geo. M. Cooke, editor and manager, Marietta Leader, res. 328 Second street.
Rus. D. Cooke, Straus, Elston & Co., res. 513 Front street.
Mrs. S. M. Cooke, widow, res. 328 Second street.
Norman Cooper, clerk, C. R. Stevens & Co., res. 213 Second street.
Rena Cooper, seamstress, res. 307 Second street.
Sallie Cooper, widow, res. 229 Second street.
Corner Drug Store, 298 Front street, and 100 Putnam street.
Wm. Corsey (colored), porter, Oriental Saloon, res. corner Third and Scammel street.
J. D. Cotton, physician, 126 Front street, res. 412 Fifth street.
Willia Cotton, res. 412 Fifth street.
Edw. Coulter, clerk, Mayor’s office, res. 401 Second street.
Josiah Coulter, Mayor, Harness and Saddlery, 123 Front street, res. 401 Second street.
H. S. Countryman, manager Atlantic Tea Co., res. 179 Fourth street.
Ida Cowen, tailoress, S. Sulzbacher, res. 119 Fourth street.
Wm. H. Cox, letter-carrier, res. 114 Third street.
H. W. Craig, photographic and art studio, 270-272 Front street, res. 215 Washington street.
Grace B. Cram, res. 314 Third street.
Wm. J. Cram, Mgr. Argand Refining Co., res. 314 Third street.
Mrs. C. V. Cram, widow, res. 314 Third street.
Mrs. A. M. Creighbaum, groceries, 333 Greene street, res. 503 Hart street.
Lillie Creighbaum, res. 503 Hart street.
Mattie Creighbaum, res. 503 Hart street.
Albert Crickard, laborer, chair factory, res. 118 Fourth street.
Lucy A. Crickard, milliner, Lina Campbell’s, res. 118 Fourth street.
Wm. Crickard, foreman lumberyard, chair factory, res. 118 Fourth Street.
Matilda Crooks, widow, res. 311 Church street.
Ida Cunningham, dometic, 631 Second street.
Michael Cunningham, res. 410 Sixth street.
Benj. Curtis (colored), laborer, res. 711 Washington street.
Edwin Curtis, res. National House.
Francis Curtis, res. 312 Fourth street.
Geo. Curtis (colored), teamster, res. 724 Second street.
Helen E. Curtis, Homeopathic Physician, res. 314 Second street.
H. N. Curtis, Homeopathic Physician, 314 Second street.
Hanna Curtis, domestic, 507 Fifth street.
Jno. Curtis (colored), plasterer, res. 620 Sixth street.
Julia D. Curtis, res. Curtis Hill.
Linas Curtis (colored), teamster, res. Second street.
Lucy G. Curtis, res. 316 Fourth street.
Mary B. Curtis, res. 316 Fourth street.
R. L. Curtis, Drugs & Medicines, 113 Front street, res. 312 Fourth street.
Rollin W. Curtis, pharmacist, Corner Drug Store, res. 312 Fourth street.
W. F. Curtis, res. Curtis Hill.
Wm. F. Curtis, Jr., res. Curtis Hill.
Mary Cuthbert, res. 613 Fourth street.
Elizabeth Cutler, widow, res. 305 Washington street.
Sarah Cutler, res. 305 Washington street.
Hon. Fred J. Cutter, member of legislature, Attorney at Law, 133 Putnam street, res. 227 Putnam street.
Sell Cutshaw, laborer, res. Fultonberg.
S. T. Cutshaw, Attorney at Law, res. 313 Church street.

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