Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Directory - Marietta, Ohio, 1890 - S

Directory of the City of Marietta, Ohio, and the Town of Harmar. 1890. Richardson Bros., Publishers.

L. E. Sackett, manager Singer M’f’g Co., res. 411 3d street.
Geo. O. Salzman, machinist, res. 225 Ohio street.
Dan’l T. Sanford, cigar maker, Chas. Hutchins, res. 625 Front street.
F. Sanford, laborer, res. 335 2d street.
G. P. Sanford, farmer, res. 818 3d street.
Herman Saroni, prof of music, res. 230 Putnam street.
Peter Sarver, laborer, chair factory, res. 332 6th street.
A. S. Sayre, merchant tailor 141 Front street, res. Harmar.
Chas. A. Sayre, clerk, R. L. Curtiss drug store, res. Harmar.
D. F. Sayre, res. 609 3d street.
India Sayre, tailoress, A. S. Sayre 141 Front street, res. Harmar.
Juliet Sayre, res. 609 3d street.
Lizzie A. Sayre, widow, res. 501-1/2 Front street.
Laura Sayre, tailoress, A. S. Sayre 141 Front street, res. Harmar.
Mary Sayre, res. 609 3d street.
Wm. E. Sayre, chair factory, 501-1/2 Front street.
Chas. Schaal[sic], salesman, Streck-Cros.[sic], res. 331 2d street.
Irene Schaad, domestic, 330 2d street.
Dora S. Schaad, res. 512 Front street.
Geo. Schaad, miller, Strecker & Tompkins, Harmar, res. 512 Front street.
Geo. D. Schaad, tinner, J. Seyler & Bro., res. 512 Front street.
A. & L. Schafer, saddler & harness, res. 140 Front street.
Adam Schafer, A. & L. Schafer, res. 406 Washington street.
Ludwig Schafer, A. & L. Schafer, res. 617 3d street.
Henry Schafer, laborer chair factory, res. 405 Montgomery st.
Michael Schafer, saloon keeper, 103 Putnam street.
Nicholas Schafer, labo’er, Strauss & Elston’s mill, res. 107 Montgomery street.
Jacob Scherer, laborer, chair factory, res. 610 Cutler street.
Peter Scherer, laborer, chair factory, res. 729 5th street.
Louis Schilling, porter Atlantic Tea Co., res. Harmar.
C. Schimmel, domestic, res. 227 4th street.
Jacob Schimmel, boots and shoes, 224 Front street, res. 529 4th street.
Wm. Schlaubach, lessee boat house, res. Harmar.
Nicholas Schlemme, laborer, res. 106 3d street.
Mary Schletzer, 322 Front st.
Clara Schlicher, domestic, 314 2d street.
Chas. Schlicher, laborer, chair factory, res. 713 3d street.
Dan Schlicher, moulder, A. T. Nye & Son, res. Fultonburg.
David Schlicher, painter, chair factory, res. Fultonburg.
David Schlicher, laborer, res. Fultonburg.
Emma Schlicher, domestic, 210 5th street.
Francis Schlicher, clerk, Meisenhelder & Smith, 713-1/2 3d st.
Fred Schlicher, Jr., laborer, chair factory, res. 713-1/2 3d street.
Fred Schlicher, cigar maker, P. Schlicher, res. 713-1/2 3d street.
Henry Schlicher, clerk, Peter Schlicher, 719 3d street, res. 717 3d street.
Harry Schlicher, laborer, chair factory, res. 713 3d street.
Jacob Schlicher, laborer, res. 713 3d street.
Lizzie Schlicher, domestic, 510 3d street.
Peter Schlicher, Jr., cigars and tobacco, 184 Front street, res. 108 s 2d street.
Peter Schlicher, grocery, 719 3d street, res. 717 3d street.
August Schmidt, clerk, Strecker Bros., res. 417 6th street.
Catharine Schmidt, widow, res. 417 6th street.
Henry Schmidt, carriage maker, O. W. Seiple, res. 607 4th street.
Lizzie Schmidt, clerk, P. Kunz Jr., res. 407 Warren street.
Martin Schmidt, res. 407 Warren street.
John Schmidt, laborer, res. 732 5th street.
Lizzie Schultheis, waitress, Pillsbury’s Hotel, 252 Front street.
Jacob Schultheis, Saloon & Pool Rooms, res. 248 Front street.
Flora Schultheis, waitress, Pillsbury’s Hotel, 252 Front street.
Anna Schultheis, res. 248 Front street.
H. L. Schuff, printer, J. Mueller & Son, res. Fultonburg.
John Schuff, laborer, B. & O. S. W. R. R., res. Fultonburg.
John Schramm, blacksmith, T. C. Bay, res. 609 Warren street.
Jacob Schramm, baker, Jacob Pfaff, 112 Putnam street.
John Schramm, clerk, E. G. Brigham, res. 325 2nd street.
John Schramm, Jr., bill poster, res. 325 2nd street.
Ed. Schramm, book-keeper, res. 325 2nd street.
Chas. Schramm, baker, Jacob Pfaff, 112 Putnam street.
Rosa Schneider, domestic, 514 2nd street.
John Schneider, laborer, chair factory, res. 734 5th street.
Frank Schneider, laborer, chair factory, res. 734 5th street.
Clara Schneider, domestic, 314 3rd street.
Chas. Schneider, brewer, Union Brewery, 613 2nd street, res. 621 2nd street.
Martin Schneider, brewer, Union Brewery, 613 2nd street, res. 624 2nd street.
Mrs. J. Schneider, widow, res. 615 2nd street.
Katie Schendeman, 621 6th street.
Benj. Scott, laborer, Spoke & Rim Works, res. 707 Front street.
Blanche Scott, res. 111 Ohio street.
D. P. Scott, engineer C. & M. R. R., res. 111 Ohio street.
Mary E. Scott, prop Bradford House, Ohio street.
Wallace Scott, farmer, res. 618 3d street.
Alonzo Scott, laborer, Spoke & Rim Works, res. 707 Front street.
Martin Seaman, res. 717 Front street.
A. J. Seipel, carriage trimmer, res. 121 Ohio street.
Marie Seipel, widow, res. 121 Ohio street.
O. W. Seipel, carriage manufactory, 127 s 2d street, res. 734 5th street.
Millo Seipel, clerk, Marietta Book Store, res. 121 Ohio street.
L. A. Seipel, res. 121 Ohio street.
Carrie Severance, domestic, res. 522 3d street.
Nettie L. Severance, clerk P. Kunz, Jr., res. 806 Front street.
Phillip Severance, sawyer, chair factory saw mill, 107 Sacra Via, res. 806 Front street.
Anna Severs, domestic, 518 3d street.
Jane Severs, res. Newport Pike.
Seyler & Bro., hardware merchants, 234-286 Front street.
Jacob Seyler, J. Seyler & Bro., Hardware, res. 527 2d street.
Adam J. Seyler, J. Seyler & Bro., hardware, res. 509 Front street.
Benj. F. Seyler, clerk, J. Seyler & Bro., res. 527 2d street.
Flora P. Seyler, res. 527 2d street.
Frank Seyler, book-keeper, J. Seyler & Bro., res. 509 Front street.
Catherine Seyler, domestic, res. 321 4th street.
Katie A. Seyler, res. 527 2d st.
Conrad Seyner, carpenter, res. 707 3d street.
John Seyner, broom maker, res. 707 3d street.
Wm. Sharp, foreman, E. R. alderman & Sons, res. Harmar.
John L. Shaw, painter, res. 720 4th street.
Leonard C. Shaw, assistant law clerk, res. 512 Putnam street.
R. K. Shaw, attorney at law, res. 512 Putnam street.
J. Shearer, res. 715 Wayne st.
J. C. Shedd, student, res. 509 4th street.
Rev. J. H. Shedd, res. 509 4th street.
Lizzie Shedd, chambermaid, National Hotel.
S. M. Sheets, manufacturer, res. 213 Sacra Via street.
Thomas M. Sheets, book-keeper, Citizens National Bank, res. 213 Sacra Via street.
T. L. Shepherd, collector, res. 708 2d street.
Chase L. Shepherd, clerk Probate Court, res. 708 2d street.
Ed Shepherd, carriage trimmer, J. W. Kelly, res. 708 2d street.
Ida Shields, caneing, chair factory, res. 209 Washington st.
A. G. Shiers, bill clerk, Bosworth, Wells & co., res. Harmar.
Robert Shiers, blacksmith, 117 s 2d street, res. Harmar.
Wm. Shiers, blacksmith, 117 s. 2d street, res. 726 Front street.
James Sherrer, laborer, chair factory, res. 210 5th street.
Emma Shreeves, res. 715 Charles street.
Jacob Shreeves, cooper, res. 715 Charles street.
Mary Shreeves, domestic, 114 south 2nd street.
Mrs. B. Shillshot, widow, 116 4th street.
H. B. Shipman, book-keeper, Bosworth Wells & Co., res. 318 2nd street.
Lucina B. Shipman, widow, res. 404 Front street.
John Short, res. 408 Warren street.
Catherine Shuck, domestic, 408 Warren street.
Harry Shuck, laborer, res. 408 Warren street.
Frank Shurck, lumber dealer, res. 218 3rd street.
H. L. Sibley, Judge, Common Pleas Court, res. 334 4th street.
J. A. Singer, (colored,) barber, Louis Weyrich, Scammel between Front & 2nd street.
Singer Mfg. Co., L. E. Sackett, manager, 268 Front street.
Mrs. R. A. Simmons, widow, res. Muskingum street.
Maria J. Skinner, widow, res. 322 5th street.
Henry E. Skipton, laborer, res. 728 4th street.
Anna Skivington, res. 521 5th street.
Effie Skivington, res. 521 5th street.
Dr. J. Skivington, physician & surgeon, office 169 Front street, res. 521 5th street.
Lillian Skivington, res. 521 5th street.
Chas. H. Slack, mining engineer, res. 328 4th street.
Mrs. F. G. Slack, widow, res. 328 4th street.
Lizzie Slimmer, domestic, res. 334 4th street.
Geo. W. Slocomb, printer, res. 626 6th street.
G. P. Slocomb, carpenter, res. 626 6th street.
K. C. Small, widow, res. 304 Putnam street.
Wm. Smith, laborer, chair factory, res. 108 4th street.
Weston Smith, Cook, National House.
Walter Smith, laborer, chair factory, res. 799 s 3d street.
Sarah Smith, widow, res. 407 Ohio street.
Phoebe Smith, widow, res. 409 Hart street.
Noah Smith, teamster, res. 119 s 3d street.
Newton Smith, stone cutter, res. 617 8th street.
Mary Smith, res. 119 Ohio street.
L. W. Smith, Smith & Foreman builders & contractors, res. 413 Hart street.
Smith & Foreman, builders & contractors, s. 3d street.
A. L. Smith, att’y at law, office 131 Putnam street, res. 218 Putnam street.
Andy Smith, laborer, res. 107 Sacra Via.
Alice Smith, domestic, 326 4th street.
Benj. F. Smith, Meisenhelder & Smith, bakers, &c., res. 182 Front street.
C. H. Smith, physician, office 151 Front street, res. 335 4th street.
C. H. Smith, Jr., medical student, res. 335 4th street.
Emma Smith, res. 407 Warren street.
Edward Smith, dealer in rags, iron, &c., res. 408 Mulberry street.
Ethel Smith, domestic, 232 3d street.
Fred Smith, laborer, 408 6th street.
Henry Smith, (colored), laborer, res. 308 Church street.
Hattie Smith, res. 119 3d street.
John Smith, teamster, res. 119 3d street.
John Smith, laborer, Strecker Glue Factory, res. 824 3d street.
John A. Smith, carpenter, res. 327 s 7th street.
Kate Smith, seamstress, Baker Sisters, res. 417 6th street.
L. J. Smith, res. 735 Greene street.
Louise Smith, res. 407 Warren street.
Mrs. Edith Sniffen, widow, res. 616 Front street.
James Sniffen, carpenter, res. 427 2d street.
W. A. Sniffen, hatter and gents furnishing goods, 173 Front street, res. 311 3d street.
R. P. Sniffen, clerk W. A. Sniffen, 173 Front street, res. 311 3d street.
John H. Snodgrass, law student, Nye & Follett, res. 109 Washington street.
W. A. Snodgrass, oil operator and contractor, res. 109 Washington street.
Charles Snyder, laborer, Nye’s Foundry, res. 621 5th street.
Frank Snyder, teamster, res. corner Washington and 2d st.
Jacob Snyder, teamster, res. 110 4th street.
Isaac Solomon, (colored,) farm laborer, res. 820 3d street.
Julia M. Speare, domestic, 412 5th street.
G. L. Spence, music dealer, 195 Front street, res. 614 Wooster street.
Lewis Spies, teamster, res. 422 6th street.
Henry Spies, teamster, res. 627 Front street.
Louise Spies, res. 627 Front st.
Wm. Spies, printer, Times office, res. 422 6th street.
Mrs. W. H. Spies, widow, res. 708 6th street.
Valentine Spies, general teaming, res. 627 Front street.
Charley Spindler, laborer, Papes grocery, res. 111 south 2nd street.
B. F. Sprague, railway postal clerk, Z. & O. R. R., res. 106 4th street.
Delmar Sprague, clerk, res. 115 south 2nd street.
E. W. Sprague, laborer, chair factory, res. 420 22nd street.
Frank Sprague, laborer, chair factory saw mill, res. 304 Warren street.
J. S. Sprague, merchant, res. 115 south 2nd street.
Nellie Sprague, res. 106 4th street.
S. Sprague, printer, Register Office, res. 210 5th street.
Stella Sprague, teacher, res. 115 2nd street.
J. M. Squires, book-keeper, Argand Refining Co., res. 307 2nd street.
John Stackhouse, teamster, Duffy & Co., res. 218 5th street.
Mary Stackhouse, domestic, 228 3rd street.
Mary Steiguer, widow, res. 709 6th street.
Stanley & Co., China, Glass & Queensware, 168 Front street.
Stanley, & Grass, Carpets, Furniture, Wall Paper, &c., 166 Front street.
Howard W. Stanley, Stanley & Grass, res. 514 2nd street.
John W. Stanley, Stanley & Co., res. 514 2nd street.
John F. Stanley, clerk, Stanley & Co., res. 514 2nd street.
F. T. Stanwood, clerk, Bosworth Wells & Co., res. 127 Ohio street.
Hanna Stayl, widow, res. 629 6th street.
St. Cloud Hotel, Mrs. E. Gross, Prop., 190-192 Front street.
Minnie Steadman, res. 229 south 2nd street.
N. E. Steadman, laborer, res. 507 College street.
Thomas Steed, brick-layer, res. 7th street.
J. W. Steele, County Recorder, res. 231 Putnam street.
Otto Steen, janitor, Court-house 517 3d street.
James Steen, Jas. Steen & Son, saloonists, 290 Ohio street.
John W. Steen, James Steen & Son, saloonists, 290 Ohio street.
Unice Steen, widow, res. 517 3d street.
Katie Stegner, domestic, 494 Front street.
Tenia Stegner, domestic, 422 2d street.
Carrie Stegner, domestic, 326 Front street.
Francis Steiner, domestic, 315 Washington street.
Lizzie Stephan, domestic, 314 4th street.
John L. Stephens, cigars & tobacco, 280 Front street, res. 411 6th street.
Wm. Stephans, painter, res. 425 3d street.
Jacob Stephans, laborer, res. 425 3d street.
Lena Stephen, domestic, 604 3d street.
C. R. Stevens, C. R. Stevens & Co., res. 120 Putnam street.
C. R. Stevens, music dealer, 120 Putnam street.
John Steveson, farmer, res. Fultonburg.
Cora Stewart, steam laundry, Ohio street, res. 622 3d street.
Emma Stewart, res. 407 Hart street.
Gertie Stewart, res. 622 2d street.
J. V. Stewart, engineer, steamer Heatherington, res. 407 Hart street.
Louis Stewart, (colored), porter, res. 729 3d street.
P. W. Stewart, coal dealer, res. 622 2d street.
Robert Stewart, teamster, res. 622 2d street.
R. M. Stimson, treasurer Marietta College, res. 508 5th street.
Joseph Stock, saloon keeper, 110 Putnam street.
B. E. Stoehr, ag’t Moerlein Co., res. 415 Warren street.
Benj. Stoehr, laborer, 415 Warren street.
Wm. Stoehr, bricklayer, res. Fultonburg.
Miss C. H. Stone, res. 418 6th st.
B. B. Stone, res. 426 4th street.
Dr. A. Stossmeister, physician and druggist, res. 414 Washington street.
Adolph Stossmeister, jeweler, John E. Leonhart, res. 414 Washington street.
Eleanor Stossmeister, teacher, res. 414 Washington street.
David Strachan, laborer, chair factory, res. 425 2d street.
Wm. Strachan, clerk, pension office, Washington, D.C., res. 425 2d street.
C. C. Strauss, miller, Strauss & Elston, res. 623 Front street.
Christ Strauss, watchman, chair factory, res. 516 6th street.
Flora Strauss, res. 306 Washington street.
Louise Strauss, domestic, 213 Putnam street.
Strauss, Elston & Co., millers and dealers in grain and flour, Front street.
J. D. Strauss, Strauss, Elston & Co., res. 306 Washington st.
W. D. Strauss, contractor and carpenter, res. 610 3d street.
Nicholas Strauss, butcher, res. 313 Montgomery street.
Charles Strawder, barber, 114 Greene street, res. 511 Charles street.
Daniel Strawder, barber, 114 Greene street, res. 511 Charles street.
Strecker Bros., wholesale dealers in leather, shoe findings &c., 117 Putnam street.
B. F. Strecker, Strecker Bros., 117 Putnam street, res. 624 Front street.
Charles F. Strecker, Strecker Bros., 117 Putnam street, res. 207 Washington street.
Arthur Strecker, clerk, Strecker Bros., res. Harmar.
Mathew Strecker, boiler maker, res. 203 Sacra Via street.
Calvin Stufflebeam, carpenter, res. 614-1/2 Front street.
Carrie Stufflebeam, domestic, 530 Front street.
Malinda Stump, widow, res. Fultonburg.
Charles E. Sturgiss, clerk, Roeser & Sturgiss, res. s e corner of 5th and Washington sts.
J. W. Sturgiss, insurance, Roeser & Sturgiss, 185 Front st., res. s e corner of 5th and Washington streets.
Ernest Styer, laborer, chair factory saw mill, res. 731 2nd street.
Emma Styer, res. 431 5th street.
Henry Styer, laborer, res. 109 Washington street.
W. H. Styer, Drugs & Medicines, 240 Front street, res. 437 5th street.
Wilhelmenia Styer, widow, res. 513 Putnam street.
Mrs. R. S. Styer, widow, res. 112 south 2nd street.
Mrs. E. Suder, widow, res. Fultonburg.
George Suder, laborer, res. 222 5th street.
Louis Suder, expressman, res. Fultonburg.
Louis Suder, laborer, chair factory, res. 116 4th street.
Phillip Suder, laborer, res. Fultonburg.
Samuel Sulzbacher, Clothing &c., 185 Front street, res. 217 4th street.
Jennie Sutter, domestic, 114 4th street.
Katie Sutter, domestic, 211 4th street.
Maggie Swartz, domestic, 118 south 4th street.
Henry Sweitzer, wagon maker, res. 622 3rd street.
Mary Swift, widow, res. Harmar.
Fred T. Swift, Guyton & Swift, res. Harmar.
Harry Swift, traveling salesman, res. Harmar.

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