Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Directory - Marietta, Ohio, 1890 - U

Directory of the City of Marietta, Ohio, and the Town of Harmar. 1890. Richardson Bros., Publishers.

Carrie Uhl, tailoress, Geo. Blake, res. Williamstown.
Edgar Uhl, saloonist, 117 Ohio street.
Andy Uhrhane, laborer, Nye’s foundry, res. 705 Washington street.
H. Ulmer, tanner, Meister’s Tannery, res. Fultonburg.
Unique, sample room & billiard parlor. B. F. Wood prop’r, 103 Greene street.
U. S. Express Co., G. N. Payne, agent, 198 Front street.
John Urhane, laborer, res. 618 7th street.
Chas. Urschel, laborer, res. 112 Wooster street.
Jacob Urschel, laborer, Meister’s tannery, res. 112 Wooster street.
Julius Urschel, clerk M. S. Luchs’, 712 Wooster street.

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