Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Directory - Marietta, Ohio, 1890 - Y

Directory of the City of Marietta, Ohio, and the Town of Harmar. 1890. Richardson Bros., Publishers.

Adam Young, laborer, res. 730 3d street.
Carrie Young, domestic, 418 4th street.
Charles Young, laborer, res. 730 3d street.
D. H. Young, carpenter, res. 211 Church street.
Jacob Young, res. 619 6th street.
J. H. Young, policeman, res. 421 4th street.
John Young, laborer, chair factory, res. 523 7th street.
Washington Young, (colored,) laborer, res. 204 s 6th street.
Wm. Young, laborer, chair factory, res. 521 6th street.

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