Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Steam Boats

American Friend & Marietta Gazette, January 26, 1826

On the 14th inst. was launched from the Shipyard of James Whitney Esq. in this town the two beautiful Steam Boats the "Coosa" & "Warrior."  They were launched sideways and reached the water without the least material injury.  The Coosa measures 180 tons, the Warrior 115.  They were built on contract by Mr. Whitney and Stone, in Mr. Whitneys usual style and very much to the satisfaction of the contractors.  (Capt. J. W. Byrne and Capt. Benj. Horner).  They are destined to run, the Coosa on the Alabama, the Warrior on the Tombigby and will be in readiness to depart in a few days.

We are pleased to learn that Messrs. Phillips and Carrol, of Steubenville, have decided on establishing a Foundary in this Town, to go into operation early in the ensuing season.

From the acknowledged mechanical talents of these Gentlemen for Steam Boat building and the local advantages this Town possesses over towns higher up the River, for Shipbuilding and particularly for Steam Boat building we trust, contractors will find it for their interest in future to build at this place.

                                *               *                *

Messrs. Editors,

Being about to leave Marietta, we will thank you to give the following a place in your paper.

The undersigned take pleasure in stating that they are much pleased with the workmanship, and moddels of the Steam Boats, Coosa and Warrior, built by Mr. James Whitney, at this place, and that they consider him as eminent in his profession, as a naval architect.  The high standing of Mr. Whitney in the estimation of his acquaintance for punctuality and correctness of deportment, renders it unnecessary to add that he complyed with his contracts faithfully and to our entire satisfaction.

James W. Byrne,
Benjamin Hornor

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