Tuesday, September 14, 2010


American Friend, February 18, 1820

Mill-Stones, O ye! the refiners of grain,
Roll from my quarry again - and again.
Fashion'd by A. Wolf, of skillful pow'r,
And certain to yield the best of flour.
Contrasted with which, Laurel Hill, Raccoon,
Shew vain as to phiz of man a baboon.
Situate 'tween Duck Creek and Muskingum;
From Marietta ten miles, on New year's run.
Cheap - lasting - tenaceous - flinty - whole;
None better t'insure the miller his toll.
Enquiries are answer'd (if free postage)
By me, your obseq'ious - Edward P. Page.
O what a bother to fumble for rhyme;
Hard, as mill-dam roar with music to chime.

Marietta, Feb. 11th, 1820

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