Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Teachers Institute

The Marietta Register, November 13, 1873

We could not find time for more than a call, now and then, at the Institute last week.  We regret this, because to all appearances and from all reports, it was one of the happiest reunions of teachers ever held in the county.  We have mentioned the names of our home instructors who were in attendance.  They were those who feel and manifest a special interest in the cause of education.

State School Commissioner Harvey (author of Harvey's Grammar, now in use in our public schools) was in attendance and was a cheerful and able lecturer.

Prof. Hartzler of Lancaster had charge, more especially, of penmanship, the most neglected branch taught in our schools and yet one of as much importance as any.  He is not only a very pleasant instructor, but a good penman.  None but those who can write well, can teach writing successfully.  We wish our common teachers would early learn this fact.  His lectures on English Grammar and orthography were also very able. 

Prof. J. C. Ridge had charge of Elocution.  He made many friends and, we believe, was considered a good instructor.  We only heard him in his public readings.  He gave us an excellent entertainment.  His selections were mostly humorous, and he assumed somewhat the character of an actor, though not to his discredit, in entertaining us.  We failed to hear the lectures of Profs. Graves and Kendrick, which are spoken of in terms of praise.

Prof. Bentley gave a feature not always found in our Institute, that of music.

The weather was fine for the most part, and the week was one long to be remembered.  Our list of names of teachers in attendance will show that much interest was felt among them.  May it never diminish.

Teachers' Roll

The following is the roll of teachers in attendance upon the Institute:


L. D. Brown, Newport.
Judson Phelps, Marietta.
Henry C. Parker, Liberty.
C. A. Bentley, Marietta.
A. L. Smith, Marietta.
B. E. Randall, Marietta.
T. J. Mitchell, Marietta.
Francis E. Andrews, Marietta.
John C. Ward, Fearing.
E. M. Hugus, Marietta.
William H. Bell, Marietta.
Anson De Puy, Lawrence.
L. J. Beabout, Lawrence.
William H. Mitchell, Lawrence.
D. R. Rood, Marietta.
Thomas H. Kelley, Waterford.
R. S. Padan, Marietta.
Charles G. Porter, Salem.
Theodore Scott, Marietta.
John T. Duff, Harmar.
Mr. Pannenburg, Marietta.
E. A. Jones, Marietta.
John D. Phillips, Marietta.
S. S. Porter, Marietta.
John Slattery, Marietta.
James B. Reed, Jackson, Noble County.
Andrew Gracey, Newport.
Francis E. Millard, Adams.
James N. Reese, Marietta.
James Adams, Ludlow.
Albert J. Caywood, Harmar.
Charles W. Rarick, Marietta.
James Taylor, Independence.
J. B. Lawton, Barlow.
W. F. Chevalier, Dunham.
William W. Rowlands, Marietta.
John L. Davis, Marietta.
Theodore Bracken, Marietta.
E. T. Duvall, Lawrence.
John H. Watson, Little Hocking.
L. K. Chapman, Fearing.
Jesse R. Vickers, Belpre.
S. P. Bailey, Warren.
S. S. De Garmo, Marietta.
J. M. Graham, Wesley.
R. J. Irvine, Decatur.
Frank Cheadle, Wesley.
E. S. Cox, Belpre.


Miss Delia Richardson, Marietta.
Miss Mary M. Johnson, Marietta.
Miss Nellie D. Green, Marietta.
Miss E. Bassim, Dunbar.
Miss Maggie C. Dabele, Marietta.
Miss Minnie Skipton, Palmer.
Miss Ida M. Brown, Palmer.
Miss Ella Bartlett, Harmar.
Miss Fannie Barber, Harmar.
Miss Emma J. Evans, Barlow.
Miss Lizzie Dutton, Marietta.
Miss Lucy Proctor, Watertown.
Miss Mary P. Slocomb, Marietta.
Miss Ella G. Pannenburg, Marietta.
Miss Carrie Jewell, Harmar.
Miss Park S. Browning, Belpre.
Miss Mary L. Rood, Marietta.
Miss Mary E. Berkley, Belpre.
Miss Ettie Cunningham, Belpre.
Miss Susan Daniels, Harmar.
Miss Sabra C. Thompson, Harmar.
Miss Harriet M. Dye, Marietta.
Miss Lucinda Smith, Cutler.
Miss Sarah M. Greene, Marietta.
Miss Lizzie Anderson, Marietta.
Miss Nannie Cole, Marietta.
Miss A. Jennie Cole, Harmar.
Miss Julia Barber, Harmar.
Miss Mary Eells, Marietta.
Miss Mary A. Seaman, Marietta.
Miss Jennie M. Geren, Marietta.
Miss Emma Arnold, Marietta.
Miss Maggie Arnott, Marietta.
Miss Lucy Grosvenor, Marietta.
Mrs. R. W. Devol, Marietta.
Miss Sarah A. Weeks, Marietta.
Mrs. L. O. Park, Marietta.
Miss M. Carrie Haskin, Marietta.
Miss Maria Hart, Marietta.
Miss Laura McMaster, Marietta.
Miss Hattie Remely, Dunbar.
Miss Mary J. Holden, Warren.
Miss Alice M. Bailey, Marietta.
Miss Mary M. Dye, Marietta.
Miss Emma J. Eggleston, Marietta.
Miss Angeline Dunbar, Marietta.
Miss Sarah M. Johnson, Cow Run.
Miss Mary E. Maxwell, Union.
Miss V. C. Sheppard, Marietta.
Miss Julia Fletcher, Waterford.
Miss Mattie Caywood, Hills.
Miss Alma Humiston, Watertown.
Miss Talma Goddard, Fairfield.
Miss Maria Morris, Wesley.
Miss Christina Arend, Marietta.
Miss Ellen Henry, Watertown.
Miss Mattie S. Morris, Adams.


  1. Julia Fletcher, one of the teachers listed as attending the institute, was an older sister of my great grandmother, Olive (Fletcher) Maxwell. They were daughters of John V. and Dorcas (Emmons) Fletcher of Beverly.

  2. One of the teachers mentioned, Julia Fletcher was an older sister of my great grandmother Olive (Fletcher) Maxwell. They were daughters of John V. and Dorcas (Emmons) Fletcher who were in Marietta at least by 1827.
