Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Warren Township School Report

The Marietta Register, March 20, 1873

Report of School in Sub-District No. 2, Warren Township, Washington County.

The Winter term commenced Monday, December 2, 1872, and closed February 21, 1873.  Number of scholars enrolled, 33; average daily attendance, 25; average per cent of attendance, 80.

The scholars present every day during the term were:  Emma Bailey, Bertha Bailey, Minnie Bailey, George Williams, Robert Williams.

The following were perfect in deportment during the term:  Charlotte Dole, Sarah Dole, Susie Dole, Minnie Bailey, Allie Bailey, Clara Bailey, Emma Bailey, Bertha Bailey, Mary Hart, Lucy Hart, Maggie Blue, Mary Blue, George Williams, Robert Williams, Charles Hart, Hugh Reid, Sandy Blue, Robert Dole, Benjamin Hardy, Isaac Weaver, Harry McClure. 

The following scholars obtained a grade over 90 for the term:  George Williams, Robert Williams, Allie Bailey, Clara Bailey, Emma Bailey, Bertha Bailey.  Those obtaining a grade over 80 were:  Charlie Hart, Mary Hart and Susie Dole.  The highest grade was secured by George Williams, his average grade for the term being 95. 

Prizes for excellence in spelling were awarded to Allie Bailey in class A; to Mary Blue, Susie Dole, and Robert Dole, in class B.  At the close of each day an opportunity was given for any scholar to recite a verse from the Bible.  During the term there were 464 different verses recited.

An entertainment was given in the evening of the last day, in the Presbyterian church.  The exercises consisted of Music, Declamations, Recitations, and Dialogues.  The church was well filled by friends.  The exercises lasted about two hours and a half.  The scholars did remarkably well in their various parts.  Everything passed off pleasantly, and all went away feeling that the evening had been well spent.

A. J. Caywood, Teacher.

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