Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Boat Club

The Marietta Intelligencer, April 9, 1859

Some of our young men have formed a Boat Club, and obtained at Pittsbugh, an A-1 four oared boat, named Reindeer.  It is about 40 feet long, has a breadth of 3 ft., with a sheer forward, of 13 ft., and aft of 17 ft.  The bow is very sharp and cuts the water like a knife.  It is handsomely painted, and fitted out with a carriage to convey it to and from the water.  Yesterday a trip was made of her speed, and under the stalwart arms of four veteran boatmen, the circuit of Kerr's Island was made in fifty-three minutes.

We understand that another Club is about to be formed, and a rival boat to be built in town.  Success to the boat clubs - there's no exercise better fitted to develop the physical system than boat rowing.

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