Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Ohio's First Fourth of July

Marietta Times, May 9, 1878

The first celebration of the Fourth of July in Ohio was held in Marietta in 1788. A correspondent of the Chillicothe Advertiser gives the following account of it:

"At daylight thirteen salutes were fired at Fort Harmar and Campus Martius, amidst the sound of martial music. At 10 o'clock A.M. Governor St. Clair and the officers and soldiers of Fort Harmar, with the wives of the officers and several visiting ladies from the East, who had thus early ventured into the wilderness on a brief visit. A fine barge, rowed by twelve oars, brought the company from the Fort up the Muskingum to the opposite bank, from which the appearance of the new pioneer Fort made a grand and imposing appearance. The pioneers on horses met the Governor and company on the landing and escorted them to the new Fort. General Varnum and Colonel Nye served as Marshals. The oration was delivered by Colonel E. Sproat in the long block hall and the declaration was read by Major Ansel Tupper. The dinner was given by the Northwest Pioneer Association. General Rufus Putnam was President and General Benjamin Tupper, Vice president, and Reverend Daniel Story, Chaplain. After dinner, thirteen regular toasts were drank, together with many volunteers, amid the thunders of cannon and the roll of the drums. At 4 o'clock P.M. the procession was formed and marched to the barge. On leaving for Fort Harmar the pioneers gave three loud huzzahs, which was responded to by the Governor and party."

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Thanks for posting the article "New Registrants Listed by Two County Draft Boards"
    The Marietta Daily Times, July 11, 1941.

    My cousin, Harold Edwin Cunningham, is listed in entry S-18. He died of wounds in the Battle of Saipan, earning a Purple Heart.

    Best regards,
    Dale Larson
