Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hippodrome Will Open

Marietta Daily Times, May 18, 1911:

First Performance in New Theater to be Given Tonight.

Pretty Play House is Completed and Strong Show Secured.

The new Hippodrome, on Second Street next to the Union depot, will open this evening with a strong bill. Workmen have been engaged night and day for the past week, in putting the finishing touches to the new playhouse, and the opening will take place as advertised.

As a theater for vaudeville, the Hippodrome leaves little to be desired. The stage is large, being 24 feet wide and 23 feet deep. On each side there are two dressing-rooms of ample size, and on either side a toilet room. There are five drops which will remain in the house always, and will be used by any performers who do not carry their own scenery. There is room for at least fifteen drops. The seating capacity is 657.

There are two curtains, one of asbestos, which is in front of the canvas curtain. The latter has a handsome painting of an old mill scene on it, and this adds a great deal to the appearance of the interior of the structure.

The stage is especially well lighted. The border-lights are larger in size, and the foot-lights are greater in number than those in the Auditorium.

The owners of the theater have exerted every effort to have a building which would be adequate for their needs, at the same time be a credit to the city, and how well they have succeeded will be shown to their patrons when they pay a visit to it.

Theodore Weber is the president of the company, C. A. Frantz, secretary and treasurer, and Albert Schafer, manager.

The bill this evening is a strong one and the orchestra will be under the direction of Carl Becker.

Marietta Daily Times, May 19, 1911:

New Hippodrome Opens With Capacity Houses

Vaudeville House Has Good Bill for Its Opening Attraction.

Two audiences of over 600 each greeted the performers who opened the new Hippodrome Thursday evening. While the box office was open from 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the crowd which swarmed around the entrance of the theater before each performance was so large as to wholly block the sidewalk.

The theater is an exceptionally good one, and while no attempt has been made so far to decorate the interior by paintings or wall decorations, yet it is a pretty edifice. It is of ample size to accommodate the large crowds which will be attracted by the high-class acts that will visit the city, the seating capacity being over 650.

The headliner of the bill for the opening evening was the 5 Alarcons, who are Mexican street singers. They are all splendid vocalists, and the soprano singer is a star. Raymond Knox, who is billed as "That College kid" is also a good singer and the song which he sings, "Only Dreaming," is good for not less than three encores. Brelle and Retlaw do a singing, talking and dancing turn, and seemed to please the audience. They will be at the Hippodrome for the balance of the week.


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