Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Muskingum River Closed By Ice

Marietta Daily Times, December 18, 1909

Freezes Over for First Time During Present Winter.

For the first time this year, the Muskingum river is frozen over and boys are skating upon its surface. The river has been full of floating ice for several days and this morning about 6 o'clock a gorge was formed near the Putnam street bridge and unless the warm weather comes soon, a heavy blockade of the ice will be formed.

Near Washington street the surface of the shore ice is quite smooth and a number of boys were skating there this morning. The ponds and small streams are also frozen and from present appearances some good skating will be afforded local lovers of the sport.

At Oak Grove Cemetery, the fountain which occupies a prominent place in the artificial lake, has formed a most beautiful cascade, as the water freezes upon emerging from the pipe. It has now attained a height of over six feet, while at the base it is probably twelve feet across and is gradually becoming larger as the water is still flowing through a hole in the ice. Its form is unusually beautiful and is attracting much attention.

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