Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Napoleon House

Marietta Gazette, March 27, 1841

George Kaldanbach respectfully informs his friends and countrymen and the public generally that he has leased for a term of years, the tavern stand formerly occupied by A. R. Harvey on Ohio street, between Third and Fourth streets, where he intends to keep a public house inferior to no other in the place. 

The house has just been thoroughly repaired and fitted up for the accommodation of travellers or boarders, and he has not the least hesitancy in giving the strongest assurance to his friends, that he will keep a quiet and orderly house, and his Table will be furnished with the best variety the country can afford. His stables are ample & well furnished with provender, together with a first rate hostler, who will pay the strictest attention to horses entrusted to his care. 

His wagon yard is furnished with a good shed for the accommodation of pedlars, movers, &c. He solicits a share of the patronage of the public, and will be under obligations to any of his friends and fellow-citizens who can recommend his house.

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