Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Hail Storm

The Marietta Intelligencer, March 19, 1859

Yesterday, about one o'clock, a heavy fall of hail occurred in this place and vicinity. It lasted about four minutes, and "came down as thick as hail," while it lasted. It no doubt made sad havoc among the young lambs from under shelter. The atmosphere underwent a great change in a very short space of time - getting quite cold, of course - the mercury in the thermometer falling 15 degrees in a very few minutes.

During the falling of hail, the wind prevailed to an almost alarming extent - blowing a perfect hurricane; unroofing Brown & McCarty's Tannery building on the north side; blowing off the whole top of Bishop's blacksmith shop, a boy at which place narrowly escaped with his life; the parapet wall off Hall's brick building on Ohio street, which fell on the roof of the frame building above it - Hall & Snider's bake shop - breaking it in. It also blowed a chimney off Colonel Mill's dwelling house, and a chimney off the jail building, and did much other damage to roofs and chimneys. The wind kept up "a blowing" until this morning, when it measurably abated. Snow fell during the night, and was still falling this morning.

The wind also unroofed part of Dr. Tenney's dwelling house; moved John Broughton's barn 3 feet; tore part of the roof off the Farmer's Duck Creek bridge and some of the weather-boarding, and moved the whole structure from its foundation a few inches.

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