Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Ladies Fair on the Seventh of April

Marietta Intelligencer, March 24, 1842

The Ladies of Marietta propose to hold a Fair on Thursday, the 7th of April, at the College Chapel. A variety of articles, both useful and ornamental, prepared by the Ladies, will be exhibited for sale on very reasonable terms; and suitable refreshments will be provided for the entertainment of all gentlemen and ladies who may favor them with their attendance.

The object in view is to raise a fund for the purchase of a variety of curiosities, brought by the Rev. Samuel P. Robbins from the Empires of Siam and China, and are offered by him at bare cost. These articles, when added to those now in the Museum of the "Society of Enquiry," will constitute an invaluable collection, illustrative of those ancient and interesting nations which form the principal portion of Eastern Asia, and will be always open to the inspection of citizens and strangers. 

The Fair will be open at 1 o'clock P.M. and continue through the afternoon and evening. The Exhibition, so appropriate to the day, it is hoped will receive the patronage of an enlightened public. The Cabinet of Chinese Curiosities above alluded to, will be open for inspection during the Fair. Donations, either for the fair or dinner, will be kindly and thankfully received.

Tickets of admission may be had of Messrs. N. L. Wilson, William F. Curtis, J. M. Woodbridge, and at the door, for 12-1/2 cents.


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