Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Gevrez - A Pioneer

The Marietta Register, October 8, 1891

Theodore Gevrez, who died at his home near Elba, Monday, Sept. 28, was one of our pioneers. Born near Marietta, Sept. 16, 1810, of French parentage, his father and mother, Didier and M. Rosalie (nee De Pow) Gevrez, were both natives of Paris France, emigrating to Marietta, Ohio, in 1802. The father died in Marietta in 1814 and lies in Mound Cemetery. The mother married a second time (Phineas Beardsley) and sleeps in Regnier Cemetery, Aurelius township, Washington county, Ohio.

Theodore Gevrez, the subject of this sketch, was married to Jane Smithson, daughter of Thomas and Rebecca (nee Bennington) Smithson, natives of England, in Marietta, Nov. 14th, 1833. By this marriage four children were born (La Fayette, Didier, Theodosia, Jane and Theodore), when the mother died. Mr. Gevrez was married a second time, June 30th, 1844, to Eliza Weeks, by whom he had four children - La Fayette, Francis Marion, Charles Julius and Evaline. After the death of his second wife, Mr. Gevrez was again united in marriage, with Elizabeth Lupardis, in 1877. She, with their sons, William and Herman, survive him. Of the first wife's children, Theodosia J. (Mrs. William Scotte) of Iowa, and Theodore (residence unknown) are still living. Children of second wife are all dead except Francis Marion, who lives in Washington State.

Mr. Gevrez has been a resident of Aurelius Tp. for sixty years, was one of the early teachers of this neighborhood, has filled almost every position of trust and honor in the township and county, was a Whig till that party was no more, and has been a Republican ever since. A few years ago he identified himself with the M. E. Church at Elba, and lived a consistent Christian life to the end of his days. Rev. A. D. McCormick of Marietta preached his funeral sermon, and the whole community followed his remains to their last resting place in Regnier Cemetery, and laid him down among his kindred, September 29, 1891.

Mrs. R. E. Smithson


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