Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Chair Company's New Building Opened

The Marietta Times, January 7, 1892

A card stating that the Marietta Chair Company desired our presence at the opening of their new building Wednesday evening, December 30, took us and thirteen hundred others who had received similar invitations to the place designated.

The occasion was the celebration of the completion of their brick, six story, 60x120 feet building, which their increased trade has demanded and which they have built. The building was brilliantly lighted by gas and early in the evening, 1,400 candles also gave forth their light. The crowd was very large, and we are inclined to think that everyone now living in the vicinity who had ever been employed by the Chair Company had received and accepted an invitation. They, as well as many others, all seemed to be there.

The first thing on the programme was the musicale, in charge of Mr. C. R. Stevens, which commenced at 7:30 and ended at 9. Becker's Orchestra furnished the instrumental music for the evening. After the musicale, Superintendent Grafton extended a hearty welcome to the employees and others present, turned the entertainment over to the employees, and granted all of us the liberty of the entire building, except the first floor, which he reserved until 9:30. Then came the promenade, which gave everyone who so desired an opportunity to inspect the mammoth building.

At 9:30 supper was announced and those whose tickets called for that hour went to the first floor where, after the divine blessing had been invoked by Dr. Dickinson, the work of destruction began. Everything was provided in abundance, and we will not attempt to tell you how many gallons of coffee were made or how many oysters or loaves of bread were eaten.

The menu was escalloped oysters, cold ham, Saratoga chips, bread, coffee, oranges, celery, ice cream,bananas and cake.

At 11:30 the tables were again filled, and those with 11:30 tickets took their places at them. Altogether about twelve hundred were fed.

Before ten o'clock the dancing was inaugurated by a grand march which was led by Mr. John J. Garry, assisted by Miss Garry. From that time until the next morning at 3, dancing was in order and was engaged in.

The universal opinion was that it was a grand occasion, and President Mills and the other officers are commended for providing this handsome entertainment for their employees and other invited guests.

May their increasing business require a new building every year, and may it be one of the unalterable laws that each one shall be dedicated in a similar manner.

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