Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Harmar Bathing Beach

The Register-Leader, July 31, 1916:

Hundreds Find Relief From Heat in River

Hundreds of young people in Marietta, Sunday, found relief from the heat wave in the cool waters of the Ohio and Muskingum rivers, the most favored spot being the newly discovered bathing beach at the mouth of the Muskingum river on the West Side, which is becoming one of the most popular swimmin' holes ever known in this section. Several hundred people enjoyed bathing at this point and at times during the afternoon and early evening the spot was black with bathers frolicking in the water, while an even larger crowd composed the spectators.

There were many on the banks sweltering in the heat who would like to have gone into the water, but after a lapse of years wouldn't dare. For them it was a great treat, however, to watch the younger folks who apparently got much delight from the sport.

To add to the excitement of things on the river front, George Whiting, a local baseball player, jumped from the railroad bridge into the river, others following in his lead.

Owing to the present heat wave, ice manufacturing facilities of the local plant are unable to keep up with the great demand for ice, and as a result, carload shipments of ice are being received daily from the Athens ice plant to keep up with the Marietta demand. The experience of the Crystal Ice Company is that of companies in other cities in the heat belt, the big ice consumption keeping the companies hustling to keep up with the demand.

The mercury reached the height of 96 degrees Sunday afternoon, according to Prof. Biscoe's official thermometer, thus passing Saturday's high mark of 94 by two degrees. The lowest temperature of Sunday night was 70, and at 1:30 o'clock Monday afternoon, the thermometer registered 90 degrees.

The Register-Leader, August 3, 1916:

Sewers Too Close to Bathing Beach

Because of the proximity of the beach at the mouth of the Muskingum river to the outlets of two large city sewers, the bathing beach committee of the Chamber of Commerce has declined to accept the beach as a possible site for a public bathing beach, and points out to the public that the water at the mouth of the Muskingum is impure, and may prove a cause of infection.Dr. Ballard, chairman of the committee, stated that it was dangerous to the health to go bathing at this beach, because of the filth emptying into the Muskingum just above the beach.

The Register-Leader, August 10, 1916:

Bath Houses Will Be Built at Fort Harmar Beach

With Point Harmar bathing beach growing in popularity despite reports that sewers empty into the Muskingum river at that point, there is every indication now that the beach at the mouth of the Muskingum on the West Side will become a permanent swimmin' hole for the season anyway. A fund has already been started by patrons of the beach and residents of West Marietta, which will be used in the construction of two bath houses at the beach and a board walk down the bank to the river.

The fund for this purposes was started Wednesday evening when a collection was taken up among the two hundred bathers in the river at that point. The sum of $15.50 was raised Wednesday evening. As only $50 is needed, it is estimated, to provide the improvements needed at the beach, little difficulty is anticipated in raising sufficient money. A committee, it is understood, has in charge the matter of raising the balance of the money needed.

A drop in temperature failed to cut down the size of the crowd at the bathing beach Wednesday evening, there having been a large number of bathers and a large crowd of spectators.

The Register-Leader, August 18, 1916:

Council Takes Up West Side Bathing Beach

Council discussed the West Side bathing beach at its regular meeting Thursday evening, Service Director Daker recommending that council take favorable action in the matter. The bathing beach was discussed at considerable length, Harris leading the fight for the beach.

As it had been brought out that at present the beach below Fort school was contaminated by private sewers from Fort Street residences, the whole sewer problem of the West Side was introduced and discussed. It was suggested that a sanitary sewer be laid on lower Fort Street that would take the private sewers away from the beach. Councilman Dabold recalled that the sewer committee had investigated the west side sewer some time ago, and that it would cost the city more than $5,000.This $5,000 cost would be for putting in a sewer up as far as Smith Street, and it was brought out that it was not necessary to run the sewer up that far in order to make the bathing beach free from contamination.

A motion was made by Plumer that the bathing beach be referred to the sewer committee, and this motion was seconded by Harris. It was later amended to include the water and sewer committee and the city solicitor.

When the question was put, Dabold and Schultheis voted against the motion. President Crawford stated that the whole discussion was of too petty a nature to occupy the attention of council.


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