Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Amusement Park on the Stevenson Farm

The Register-Leader, August 7, 1916

Stevenson Farm East of the City May Be Turned Into Amusement Park For Marietta Next Spring.

Marietta is to have a first class amusement park next year, if plans now being considered by local businessmen are carried out. The park will contain a roller coaster, merry-go-round, skating rink and many other devices.

It was learned today that the fifteen-acre grove of Russell Stevenson of Newport Pike would probably be the location of the park, and an option has been secured on the property. It would make an ideal site for an amusement park, according to those who have visited the spot with the promoters.

The plan of the promoters is to fence the grove, and inside, to have a large number of devices that will provide amusement for holiday seekers. One of the proposed features will be a large swimming pool with bath houses that will probably prove a great attraction on warm summer days. A large dancing hall will be erected on the grounds, and this is expected to attract many to the new park.

Plans are now underway for the organization of a stock company to equip and operate the park, and it is understood that sufficient local capital has been secured already to give some assurance that the plans of the promoters will go through.

Nothing will be done with the new park this year, it is announced, as the season is too near a close. Work will be continued, however, in the organization of the park company, and the different amusement devices will be erected at the park during the late fall and winter, so that everything will be in readiness for an early opening next spring.

The only drawback to the Stevenson farm site, it is said, is the fact that at present there is now no means of transportation to and from the proposed park, which is about a half-mile up Newport Pike, beyond the Duck Creek bridge. The difficulty will be overcome by next spring, the promoters state.


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