Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Marietta Watermelons

Marietta Intelligencer, September 8, 1852

Nearly or quite all the fine melons yet offered in our market were brought from Marietta and that vicinity. They are raised there in immense quantities, and we were somewhat surprised to learn that no work is done toward cultivating them. After the vines begin to run, so as to interfere with ploughing, the weeds are thereafter suffered to grow at will. The soil is sandy and finely adapted to the melon. Great quantities of fine apples are also grown there.

A more beautiful body of land than that of the Marietta bottom, as it is called, we have never raved over, and we think it strange that the town, which is most eligible located, has not more rapidly improved. But it will become a very important point and property, we learn, is recently advancing rapidly in value. The bar opposite the town makes it nearly impracticable to land at the wharf in low water, and the Virginians, it is said, refuse to suffer the wharf boat to lie out on the bar, so that Point Harmar (below the mouth of Muskingum) has advantage in her landing. This obstruction removed and the wharf now in progress perfected, we think speculators in town property, or those who desire a delightful and profitable residence, could hardly select a more advantageous point of operation.

Pittsburgh Dispatch


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