Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Pike Street School to be Re-Opened

The Register-Leader, October 3, 1916

Requests by residents of the East End, presented to Marietta city board of education several weeks ago for the opening of the Pike Street school, were granted at a meeting of the school board Monday evening. Pike Street school, which has been closed for several years, will be reopened about November 1. Just how many grades will be taught at Pike Street has not as yet been determined, but this will be known within a week or two. Pupils in the lower grades of Willard and Norwood schools will be transferred to the Pike Street school.

The board instructed Supervisor of Buildings, Whiston, to make the necessary repairs on the Pike Street building in order to use the building for school purposes. Mr. Whiston stated that it would probably be the first of next month before these repairs could be completed.

Action on the opening of the Pike Street school was delayed by the board until it became known just how many children would be accommodated there. The big increase in the number of enrollments in the Norwood and Willard buildings makes it imperative that another school building be opened.

Many Students Enrolled

An increase in enrollment of nearly 200 pupils in the city schools at the end of the first month of school this year was reported by Superintendent Skinner, over the enrollment at the end of the first month one year ago. Mr. Skinner reported the following comparative enrollments:

High school:  1916 - 503; 1915 - 455
Marion school:  1916 - 290; 1915 - 289
Washington school:  1916 - 725; 1915 - 710
Willard school:  1916 - 346; 1915 - 321
Norwood school:  1916 - 341; 1915 - 306
Harmar school:  1916 - 426; 1915 - 389
Terberg school:  1916 - 69; 1915 - 63
Fairview Heights:  1916 - 27; 1915 - 36
Totals:  1916 - 2,727; 1915 - 2,569

This is the largest enrollment ever reported for the Marietta schools, and Superintendent Skinner reported that only three or four rooms in the entire city had any empty seats. The eighth grads in all the buildings are especially crowded, an unusually large eighth grade, composed of 53 pupils, being enrolled at Willard school.

Increased enrollment in the Fairview Heights district has necessitated the reducing of that school from a four-grade school to a three-grade school. The pupils of the fourth grade in that district have been transferred to the Harmar school.

Enrollment of First Grade Pupils

Superintendent Skinner asked for a modification of the rule covering the enrollment of first grade pupils. He wants a rule made that children entering the schools for the first time should do so but once a year. The present rule provides that all children whose sixth birthday is before Jan. 1 can enter school in September, and all whose birthdays are after Jan. 1 enter at the beginning of the second semester. Mr. Skinner asks that the rule be changed so that all children whose birthdays fall before March 1 be permitted to enter in September, and that no new first-grade pupils be permitted to enter at the second semester. The board instructed the superintendent to make a careful examination into the question and bring the matter to its attention again.

The salaries of Mrs. Whiting, janitress of the Terberg building, and Mrs. Lillie Wolfe, janitress of the Fairview Heights building, were increased from $7 to $8 per month, respectively.


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