Wednesday, November 23, 2016


The Marietta Register, November 9, 1865:

President Johnson has appointed a National Thanksgiving on Thursday, December 7th; and Governor Anderson has appointed a Thanksgiving for Ohio on Thursday, November 30th. Why the Governor should have made this appointment, after the President's Proclamation was out, and fixed the time a week earlier, it is not clear for us to see. The tendency will be to throw the whole matter into confusion.

The Governor most certainly should have conformed to the day fixed by the President, and as a matter of convenience to the people, we suggest to the several clergymen of Washington county that they at once make arrangements for the observance of the National Thanksgiving, by our people, with the hope that the Governor may make a change from November 30th to December 7th.

The Marietta Register, November 30, 1865:

Mayor's Proclamation.

In accordance with an ancient custom of our fathers, who loved liberty and religion, and hated tyranny, and who were ever thankful for divine beneficence and protection; and, in view of the recent proclamation of the president of the United States, and of the Governor of Ohio, setting apart Thursday, December 7, proximo, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer; and, especially, in view of the divine interposition in the overthrow of the recent rebellion, and the dawn of peace upon our beloved country, and the prospect of tranquility and plenty in the future, it is fit and proper, and is hereby earnestly requested that the citizens of the city of Marietta lay aside their various avocations of business, close their business houses, and conform, not only to the ancient customs of our fathers, but to the above-mentioned proclamation, and set the day apart as a day of thanksgiving and prayer to Almighty God for all our individual and national blessings. 

Samuel S. Knowles,
Mayor of Marietta

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