Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Gas Light Works

Marietta Intelligencer, September 4, 1856

An ordinance to provide for establishing Gas Light Works in the city of Marietta, Ohio.  Be it ordained by the city Council of the city of Marietta, that E. Gwynn and his associates, and successors, to be organized as a Gas Light Company, shall for the term of twenty years, from the passage of this ordinance, have the exclusive privilege of using streets, lanes, alleys, and public grounds of said city, for the purpose of laying down pipes for the conveyance of gas in and through said city, for the use of said city and its inhabitants.

Provided, That all injuries done to said streets, alleys, and public grounds, shall be repaired by said grantees, with due diligence and the same be left in as good condition as before.  And

Provided, also, That for the period of ten years from the passage of this ordinance; the price for gas furnished to said city, and its inhabitants, by the said grantees, shall not exceed four dollars per thousand cubic feet, and that the gas so furnished shall be of the best quality.  And

Provided, also, That said grantees shall cause two miles of pipe to be laid down within four years, and at least one mile of pipe to be laid down, and the contemplated gas works to be erected and put in operation within two years from the passage of this ordinance, and shall by the first day of October next, deposit with the city Clerk of said city, a bond of one thousand dollars to be forfeited if the said contemplated gas works shall not be in operation within two years from the passage of this ordinance.  And

Provided, further That for the formation of said Gas Light Company, books of subscription for Stock therein, shall be opened by said grantees in the city of Marietta, and continue open for the purpose aforesaid, until the first day of October next.  Passed August 30, 1856.

W. F. Curtis, Pres't.
Attest:  R. E. Harte, City Clerk.
Marietta, Sept. 1, 1856.


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