Wednesday, April 12, 2017

New Hotel Chamberlain Opened Here

The Register-Leader, December 26, 1916

The new Hotel Chamberlain on Tiber Way has opened for business.  Friday last the hotel began receiving guests, and it has been a busy place ever since. Mr. and Mrs. George Chamberlain, who are well and most favorably known for their long experience in the hotel business, have charge of the hostelry, Mr. Chamberlain looking after the business end, and Mrs. Chamberlain attending to the culinary and sleeping departments.

A representative of the Register-Leader visited the new hotel Tuesday morning and was show through the house by the proprietor.

Everything is new about the Hotel Chamberlain.  The building which houses it is practically new, the old wall to the front being the only one used in its construction. The interior is all new.

There are thirty elegantly furnished and well lighted and ventilated rooms in the house. All inside rooms are provided with sky lights, assuring comfort for the guests both winter and summer. New furniture is used throughout. Two fine bathrooms, equipped in the latest manner are to be found in the building.

Throughout the halls of the hotel, linoleum is used for the floor covering, while sky lights also furnish ample light from above.

The ladies' parlor is indeed a comfortable place, while the parlor for men, which is arranged in den style, is a place designed to make all guests at home.

The kitchen is well arranged and all cooking utensils are of aluminum. The dining room is cozy, well lighted and well ventilated.

Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain's own apartments are nicely arranged.

Precaution against flood has been taken by the hotel, the main floor being above the 52-foot mark, while the third floor of the hotel is so arranged as to take care of business in case a repetition of the 1913 flood.

Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain invite their many friends to visit and inspect their new hotel and the Marietta public in general, in addition to the transient trade, is assured of the very best treatment at the Hotel Chamberlain.

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