Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Marietta Intelligencer, March 23, 1853

More buildings will be erected in Marietta this season than in any previous year.

Messrs. Holden will erect a three story brick building, forty six feet front by eighty feet deep, on the ground between the bank and Crawford & Co.'s Book Store. The building which this office now occupies will be torn down in a couple of weeks to make place for the new block.

On the opposite side of the street, Messrs. Rolston & Co. and J. E. Hall will erect a double brick block, three stories high - eighty feet deep. Anderson's Jewelry shop is now on wheels and is to be placed on a vacant lot on the Cotton property. The other buildings occupying the site of Rolston & Hall's contemplated block will probably be moved this week.

Mr. Soule has put an open front into the dwelling house which he recently bought of Mr. Dunn and will soon open a new hat store in what was lately the Mayor's parlor. Mr. S. will also put up a two story brick building on the vacant ground between his property and Mr. Shipman's house.

Mr. Harshberger has put an open front into his clothing store.

Two new buildings are going up between the Post Office and the upper bridge.

These improvements are all on Front Street and they are only a part of the changes that will be made on that street this year.

Perhaps the largest building to be erected in town this season is the Catholic Church, which will be on Fourth Street. Between 300,000 and 400,000 brick will be used in the construction of that building.

The number of private residences to be built this year is much larger than ever before. Arrangements have already been made for the erection of dwelling houses on every street, and almost every square, in the limits of the corporation.

Mechanics of all classes will find work plenty and wages good.

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Front Street
Marietta Intelligencer, April 13, 1853

Front Street is changing a good many fronts, and business of every sort is brisk enough there to satisfy any but extravagantly "fast men."

J. D. Barker & Co. have just opened a new establishment in new and neatly finished rooms, next door to Woodbridge & Westcott's; Soule & Shanklin have opened a new stock in their newly finished store; Harshberger has repaired and repainted and opened a new stock; Anderson has moved up street and brushed up generally; Baldwin has increased his stock of Jewelry; Leopold & Co. have enlarged and beautified their rooms; James Dana & Co., Curtis & Bro., Capt. Waters, Lahm & Co., Woodbridge & Westcott, and James Holden are all opening heavy stocks of Dry Goods; Nye and Bosworth, Wells & Co. are getting big lots of iron, nails and every thing in their line; Stewart & Co. have plenty of shoes; Cotton & Buell and Perkins have drugs enough for forty counties; Crawford & Co., a good stock of books and stationery; C. W. Crawford has everything in the gentleman's furnishing line; while R. Crawford, Kueck & Holst, Fisher, and Guitteau all hang their sings of creature comforts out in the Tri-Weekly, as well as on the fronts of their establishments.

The two story brick building for several years occupied by the Intelligencer Printing office is razed, and the ground will soon be ready for the foundation of Holden's three story double block. The ground opposite, where Hall & Rolston will build their double block, will also soon be ready for the stone masons.

On Greene Street, Holden, Slocomb, Bigelow & Co., E. M. Taylor, and L. D. Dana (his front is on Ohio Street) are all who have yet announced the arrival of new stocks of goods, but ere long their neighbors will be "on hand," as will also the dealers on Ohio Street.

Success to all of you gentlemen, and that you may certainly attain to it, we proffer you the opportunity of severally sounding your own praises three or four times a week (once a week is altogether too slow for this age) in the ears of a good many hundred people through the medium of the Marietta Intelligencer - "cheap for cash, or approved credit."

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