Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Marietta College - New President

Marietta Intelligencer, January 13, 1855

Our readers are aware that Rev. Dr. Smith has resigned the Presidency of Marietta College, and is to enter upon his duties in Lane Seminary in April next.  The Trustees of the College held a meeting on Thursday last, and with entire unanimity, made choice of Prof. I. W. Andrews as President Smith's successor.

Prof. Andrews has been connected with the College about sixteen years, we think, having occupied the post of Tutor for perhaps a year, and that of Professor of Mathematics for about fifteen years.  He has filled the Professorship with distinguished ability, and the best possible evidence  that he has performed its duties to the entire satisfaction of the friends of the College, is furnished by the Trustees' unanimously promoting him to the Presidency.

The friends of the Institution may well be congratulated upon the election the Trustees have made. We believe that President Andrews will fill his new office as to others, and as creditably to himself, as he has that of Professor of Mathematics. He has some peculiar qualifications for his new post - among which we may mention his remarkable talent as an Executive officer, and as a thorough, prompt, and efficient business man.

That the appointment will be a very popular one in the community generally there can be no doubt. Unlike most scholars and scientific men, Professor Andrews is eminently a practical man, and ever since he resided in Marietta he has identified himself with every enterprize having for its object the prosperity of the town and county, and the general good of the community. His active labors in behalf of Public schools throughout the State are known to all, as are his efforts to build up and sustain every cause which seeks to elevate the condition of men, and promote the best interests of all classes of society. He is, in short, a Life Man, progressive and yet conservative, neither one-idead nor one-sided, but a symmetrical, whole and true Man.

The election of a successor to Prof. Andrews in the Mathematical Department is not yet announced and probably will not be until after another meeting of the Board.

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