Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Proclamation by the Governor

Marietta Intelligencer, December 8, 1842

In conformity with the pious usages of Christian and civilized nations, and with a view to impress upon all minds a humble dependence upon, and cheerful submission to, the Divine Ruler of all people, the Legislature did, on the 7th day of March, 1842, resolve "That the Governor be requested to issue within the present year his proclamation to the citizens of this State, recommending to them the observance of a day of Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for his blessings to us as a people.

By virtue of the authority thus given by the General Assembly, I, THOMAS CORWIN, Governor of the State of Ohio, do set apart Thursday, the twenty-second day of December next, to be observed as a day of humble thanksgiving to Almighty God, throughout the State of Ohio.

It is especially enjoined upon the good people of the State on that day to refrain from their several temporal pursuits and assemble themselves together at their customary places devoted to religious worship; that they heartily invoke the continuance of those blessings which have hitherto characterized our history as a people, and implore the divine pardon for our forgetfulness of mercy and frequent abuse of the great privileges with which our State has been indulged.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and have caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed at Columbus, this twenty-ninth day of November, A.D., 1842, and of the Independence of the United States, the sixty-seventh.

Thomas Corwin.

By the Governor:
J. Sloane, Secretary of State


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