Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Everything is Ready for Big Public Celebration of Xmas

The Register-Leader, December 24, 1915

Marietta will observe its third annual Municipal Christmas Tree Celebration, Christmas afternoon, the program beginning at four o'clock. The Christmas tree, which was placed in its position of honor on the court house lawn a few days ago, will be lighted for the first time tonight, and the tree will be lighted Christmas afternoon at the opening of the program of Christmas songs.

The Marietta band will meet at its hall and will march to the court house steps, where it will give a short concert. As the opening hymn is sung, the lights will be switched on.

The singing will be led by Prof. James Bird, instructor of music in the public schools and the Marietta band. The hundreds of school children in the schools of the city have been practicing the songs for some time, and the six hymns will be sung by a chorus of several hundred voices.

A number of traffic officers will be stationed at the court house corner during the sing, and the traffic in that section will be stopped during the program.

The opening song will be, "O Come, All Ye Faithful," and this will be followed by "The Nativity," (O Little Town of Bethlehem), "Silent Night," "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear," "O Tannenbaum," (in German) and "Joy to the World." The program will be concluded by a selection by the band.

Supper For Kiddies

Following the program a supper will be served to more than two hundred children in the court house assembly room. The room is being tastefully decorated for the occasion, and an excellent menu will be served. A large Christmas tree will be placed in the room, and at the close of the supper, small gifts will be distributed among the children by Santa Claus himself.

Ask Loan of Automobiles

A request was made this morning by Ensign Wilson of the Salvation Army for the loan of several automobiles on Christmas morning to assist in the distribution of baskets of food and clothing which will be distributed under the joint Christmas committee. Those who are willing to donate the use of their cars and their own services as drivers are asked to notify Mr. Wilson today, or be at the Salvation Army barracks Christmas morning.


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