Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Options Site for Station

Marietta Daily Times, December 9, 1922

A real estate deal of some magnitude, which likely will result in the opening of another modern gas filling station, at Front and Greene streets, is pending this week and it is believed by those concerned that it will be concluded within a few days. The National Refining Company is said to be the prospective purchaser and the property involved is known as the Flatiron building.

An option at an agreed price has been given the company by A. Cassis, a Sistersville Syrian who acquired the property some years ago, and if the deal goes through, the old building will be razed and a modern filling station will be constructed.

The Flatiron property fronts on Greene, Front and Ohio streets and as the name implies, is a triangular shaped piece of ground splendidly adapted to the purpose to which it would be put by the Refining Company.


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