Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Fine Dwelling Burned

The Marietta Republican, October 29, 1858

Yesterday morning about half past 2 o'clock, the large brick dwelling house belonging to Professor Maxwell, but occupied by Rev. George R. Rosseter, on the corner of Fifth and Scammel streets, was discovered to be on fire. Our citizens generally rallied to the scene of the conflagration and the Fire Engines were promptly on the spot, but the progress already made by the flames, and the scarcity of water, made it impossible to prevent the destruction of the entire building, except the walls.

The residence of John O. Cram, Esq., which adjoins the burning building, was saved only by the efforts of the Fire Companies and citizens, as the heat was intense. The loss will probably be $2,000. The house was insured in the Washington County Mutual for $1,500. 

Mr. Rosseter saved most of his furniture and clothing, but lost part of his library. He probably loses $250.

The origin of the fire is unknown.


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