Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Building on Front Street Gutted By Fire

The Register Leader, March 30, 1916

Fire of unknown origin threatened destruction to the greater part of the downtown business district this morning, when the Angert estate building, occupied by the Marietta pool room and the Stanley & Grass Furniture Co., at 168-170 Front Street, was gutted, causing a total loss to the building of about $6,000 and several hundred dollars to its contents. A telephone alarm was received at 12:40 o'clock this morning, and within a short time afterwards both fire companies were engaged in battling the flames.

The fire was one of the worst that has visited Marietta in several years. It had secured a good start before the alarm was sent in. Hose lines were laid from the front and rear, and the aerial truck was used to good advantage. There was a slight wind astir and sparks were carried all over the lower part of the city, but no other buildings caught fire.

The blaze originated in an upper floor of the building, the first floor of which is occupied by the pool room of Nemer Loftey. It soon spread through that entire side of the building and burned through the wall to the Stanley and Grass furniture store.

The damage to the Stanley and Grass store was confined to the furniture, etc., which was damaged by smoke and water, and on the third floor, the heat blistered the varnish on nearly all the furniture in that section of the store. Mr. Stanley, this morning, stated that he could not estimate his damage as yet, but it is understood that his loss will amount to several hundred dollars, covered by insurance.

The pool tables and other articles of the Loftey store were ruined, and his loss is partially covered by insurance.

It was nearly five o'clock before the firemen completed the work of extinguishing the fire. It was stated this morning by Mr. Angert that the building probably could not be repaired, as the roof, second and third floors have all caved in, leaving only the front of the building standing.

The Hutchins Cigar Co. building, above the Angert block, was not damaged by the fire.


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