Wednesday, May 23, 2018

New Buildings and Remodeling

The Marietta Tri-Weekly Register, March 25, 1890

As the spring opens, many new buildings are being constracted for and the fronts and interiors of business houses are being made more modern.

Mr. P. J. Donnelly will erect a handsome residence on Greene Street next to Mr. J. L. Reckard.

The store-room occupied by Otto Brothers has been greatly improved by a plate glass front and display windows.

Mrs. Col. W. B. Mason will erect a handsome $2,000 residence on the corner of Third and Sacra Via streets, this spring, that will be occupied by herself and family. She also has two good residences next below on Third Street.

The room to be occupied by our new furniture and undertaking men, Messrs. Weiser & Reynolds, next door above J. F. Wehrs & Son on Front Street, is being remodeled inside and out. They will occupy the entire building with their business. The front stairs are being taken out and a handsome plate glass front will be put in.

Mr. J. H. Grafton has broken ground at his beautiful Fourth Street property for two handsome ten-room residences. They will be modern in architecture, equipped with all modern appliances, including water pipes, etc. The plan shows a conveniently arranged house, and one that will be attractive in appearance.

Mr. H. W. Stanley will erect a handsome and substantial residence near the corner of Second and Wooster streets.

Messrs. Dye Brothers expect to build next above the City Hall and city residence on Third Street.  Mr. John Bickert contemplates building on the other half of the same lot. Both houses will be a credit to that recently greatly improved street.

Capt. Martin Noll will commence the erection of his new residence on Second Street between Putnam and Scammel, as soon as work on the ice factory has progressed sufficiently to allow. He has modern ideas of a residence and will put up that kind.

The First National Bank block is being remodeled and improved throughout. The third floor was rearranged and has now some nice offices, a part of which are occupied by the Argand Refining Company. The second floor has been entirely changed and arranged to supply the wants of the Macksburg Pipe Line Company, which will move its offices from Macksburg to this city and occupy that floor April 1st. The banking rooms are to be changed and greatly improved. The windows in the entire building have been made full size, and a furnace has been placed in the cellar, which heats all the offices in the building.

Mr. J. D. Lashley's new residence on Second Street, Harmar, is nearing completion and is one of the most attractive in Harmar or Marietta. It will soon be the most attractive in Marietta.

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