Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Basin at the Mouth of Market Square Run

Marietta Intelligencer, September 5, 1839

The authorities of the Town have commenced the excavation for this work in good earnest.  Under their direction about four hundred loads of earth are daily removed.  Twelve hundred loads have been placed at the foot of Post Street for a new landing at that place.  This is done partly at the expense of Messrs. Marshall and Lewis who own property in that vicinity. Mr. Soyez has purchased one thousand loads for a new landing in front of his premises. Large quantities of earth have been placed on the old landings at the foot of Front and Market Streets. After the excavation is completed, we believe it is proposed to place guard locks below the bridge; and above the bridge both dry and wet docks will be erected. The water from the run will be taken across the commons by a culvert, nearly on the line of Butler Street.  A portion of the earth from the culvert will be taken to fill the low ground on the east side of Front Street, and this street will thus be made straight. 

We understand the water for the mills will be taken from the basin about midway between the bridge and the river by a mill race about 30 feet wide. The length of the mill race will be about 350 feet, and will require an excavation of about 6529 cubic yards.


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