Wednesday, September 5, 2018

"Liberia, and Other Poems"

Marietta Intelligencer, February 2, 1853

This is the title of a volume of from three to four hundred pages, which the authoress, Miss Ann Jones, of Marietta, desires to publish at an early day, if sufficient encouragement is proffered to pay the expense of publication.

"Liberia" is a narrative of the foundation of that Republic and of the toils and struggles of its founders, with a glance at its present condition. Some of the other poems are of a descriptive and of a narrative character, and there are a few on religious subjects.

To such of our readers as are acquainted with the authoress, we need do no more than announce her purpose of publishing to secure from them a cordial response to the call that may ere long be made upon them for subscriptions. The work will be got up in a neat and handsome style, and the subscription price will probably be $1 per volume.

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