Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Warrant for a General Town Meeting

The Marietta Gazette, July 19, 1834

To Griffin Greene, Esq., Marshal of the Town of Marietta - Greeting:

You are hereby commanded to notify the qualified electors of said Town, in the manner authorized by law, that a general Town Meeting will be held at the old Court House on Saturday, the 19th inst. at 2 P.M.

1st. To choose a Chairman and Clerk; then to take into consideration the resolution of the Council of the 12th ult. which is as follows, viz:

Resolved, That the Mayor be authorized to call a general Town Meeting, to answer and act on the following articles:

     1st. Whether the Town will advise and agree to the purchase of ground for the enlargement of the Mound Burying Ground.

     2d. Whether the Town will agree that the Streets between the Mound square and the square easterly thereof be enclosed and occupied as a part of the Burying Ground.

     3d. To act on any other business which may be submitted in relation to said Burying Ground.

     4th. To act on such propositions as may be submitted relative to amendments of the Charter of the Town.

And due return make of this warrant, with the service thereon.

given under my hand and seal of the Corporation, at the Mayor's Office, this first day of July, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty four.

Nahum Ward, Mayor.

A true copy.
     Attest Griffin Greene, Marshal.

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