Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Dawes Home Robbed

The Marietta Times, November 9, 1882

The residence of Gen. Rufus R. Dawes on Fourth Street was visited by a burglar on Saturday night. An entrance was effected through a side window. The thief then made his way to the General's bedroom and took his watch off the mantle piece, his sleeve buttons off the bureau and carried out his coat, pants, and vest. The exit was made through the kitchen. 

The first alarm was given by the servant girl in the morning, on finding the kitchen door unlocked, and on opening it, finding the General's clothing in the yard. 

The watch, which was highly prized because it had belonged to the General's brother Henry, who died in 1860, was gold, the cases being worth probably $50. The sleeve buttons were worth $10 and the pocket book which was taken contained about nine dollars.

The robber took the precaution to cut the guard off the watch and also to take all papers out of the pocket book. He also left the pocket knife. There is no clue to the perpetrator, but the general impression is that it was no stranger.

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