Wednesday, July 10, 2019

New Steamboat

Marietta Intelligencer, January 2, 1845

"Yallabusha" is the name of a new Steamboat built at Marietta and Harmar the last season, which is intended to run as a Cotton Boat on the Yazoo River and its tributaries. Her dimensions are as follows: Hull 115 feet keel, 24 feet beam, 24 feet floor, and five feet hold. Two Engines, cylinders 16 inches in diameter and 5 feet stroke, Main shaft 8 inches. Wheels 18 feet in diameter. Two boilers, 20 feet long and 40 inches in diameter.

A more substantial and better finished job than her engines, which were built by Mr. Owen Franks at his foundry in this place, we have never seen. All the iron work was made at Mr. Frank's establishment. Every part of the boat, and her furniture, is the work of Marietta and Harmar mechanics. Her cabins are neatly finished and the boat, in every part, is highly creditable to the skill of those employed in her construction. She was built under the direction of Mr. William Knox for a company of our own citizens. We wish them a profitable return for their enterprize.

The "Yallabusha" left this place yesterday morning for New Orleans, and we may here mention that her load was principally made up of Marietta manufactures. Among other things we noticed several cords of brooms from the Factory of L. & S. Temple, and three or four hundred ploughs, and some tons of hollow ware from Mr. Frank's Foundry.


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