Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The New Organ - The Concert

Marietta Intelligencer, July 2, 1846

The notice we last week gave of a Free Concert in the Congregational Church on the evening of the "Fourth" was not correct. There is to be a Concert, but a trifle is charged for admission to it. We stated that it would be free because we knew that the members of the choir wished to have no charge for admission. Those in authority," however, think it ought not be free, and we will give their reasons for deciding that it shall not be.

The new Organ just built for the Church by Mr. Bailey of Zanesville was purchased by the Ladies of the Congregation. They have ordered a better instrument than they contemplated when they first circulated subscriptions, and in various other ways, sought to raise the necessary funds, and they are now in debt nearly $300. This they desire to pay as soon as possible and hope that what they may receive from the Concert, added to the receipts from the refreshment tables which will be spread in the Library Hall, will so far reduce the debt that they can soon pay it without appealing again to the liberality of the people. The individual contributions will do much to relieve the Ladies from the self imposed debt incurred by purchasing a valuable Organ.

As we write this, Mr. Bailey, the builder of the Organ, is putting it in tune. It will be used for the first time on the evening of the Fourth, when we shall endeavor - as we hope some hundreds of our readers also will - to hear it, and shall be able to speak of its qualities.

Mr. Yoakley of Zanesville is the Organist. 

Tickets for the Concert (which will also admit the bearer to the Library Hall) may be obtained at the stores of A. & I. Waters and A. L. Guitteau in Marietta, and at the store of D. Putnam Jr. & Co. in Harmar.

The Exercises of the Evening will commence at six o'clock. A recess of one hour will commence at seven o'clock, and at eight o'clock the exercises in the Church will be resumed.

1 comment:

  1. The builder of the organ was Leonard Perry Bailey of Putnam, Ohio (Muskingum County)
